2014 Training School of COST Action FP1202 MaP-FGR (7-11 July 2014, Jaca - Spain): call for applications
It’s our pleasure to inform you that the 2014 Training School of Cost Action FP1202 MaP-FGR will be organized in Jaca (Spain) on 7-11 July 2014, kindly hosted by University of Saragoza.
The topic of this 2014 TS will be à¢â‚¬Ëœ’Adaptation and evolution of Marginal-Peripheral populations of forest trees at the leading, altitudinal and rear edges of species distribution’’.
The TS will focus on:
- Introduction of à¢â‚¬Ëœ’population’’, à¢â‚¬Ëœ’marginal-peripheral (MaP) population’’ concepts;
- Ecological aspects of forest species distributions;
- Forest population genetics and the key role of MaP populations;
- Conservation and adaptation of MaP populations (including adaptation, resilience and phenotypic plasticity in MaP populations);
- MaP at leading edges, Map at rear edges and MaP at altitudinal edges;
- Scientific methods on adaptive traits and strategies related to the conservation in situ and ex situ of MaP populations and related forest genetic resources;
- Management of MaP reproductive materials and related legislation (based on information available in National Reports prepared by European/Mediterranean partners in the context of the first State of the World Forest Genetic Resources).
- Presentation of most recent study cases on adaptation and evolution of MaP FGR at the edges of species distribution ;
- Presentation of the trainees own researches on MaP population and FGR.
As done for last 2013 TS, financial support is available for trainees from COST countries, approved Near Neighbour Institutions (NNC) and approved European RTD Organisations.
Please, find attached the call for applications and the related Vademecum, both available also on the webpage of the Cost Action MaP-FGR at http://map-fgr.entecra.it/?p=1005.
Deadline for application is 16th May 2014.
We would like to thank our Spanish colleagues Eduardo Notivol and Ricardo Alia Mirando for their close collaboration in organizing this event.
Please, spread the word!
Kind regards,
Fulvio Ducci and Christophe Besacier
Valentina Garavaglia
Forest Assessment, Management and Conservation Division
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
Phone : + 39 06 570 54285
Mobile : + 39 3280163117
email: valentina.garavaglia@fao.org