Giovanni Giuseppe Vendramin
Role: Research Director
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Florence
Tel: (39) 055-5225725
E-mail: giovanni.vendramin[at]
Curriculum vitae
Name: Giovanni Giuseppe Vendramin
Date and Place of Birth: 15.11.1957, Brunico, Italy
Address: Institute of Biosciences and BioResources, Division of Florence, National Research Council, - Via Madonna del Piano, 10 - 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Firenze), Italy,
Tel: ++39 055 5225725, Fax: ++39 055 5225729
Education and Training
(from 2024 back to 1981)
- May 2023 - Feb 2024: Ad interim Director of the Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, National Research Council
- Jun 2022: Awarded with the Medal to distinguished Italian scientists of physical and natural sciences by the Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL
- Sep 2020: Habilitation as Director of the Bio-AgroFood Department of the National Research Council
- May 2019: Director of the Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, National Research Council
- Aug 2018: Ad interim Director of the Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, National Research Council
- Aug 2014: Director of the Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, National Research Council
- Mar 2014: Habilitation as University full professor in Plant Genetics
- Oct 2013: Ad interim Director of the Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, National Research Council
- Sep 2012: Doctor honoris causa at the University of Zvolen, Slovacchia
- Jan 2012: Honorary research fellow at Bioversity International
- Sep 2009: Eligibility as director of the Plant Protection Institute of the National Research Council
- Aug 2008: Responsible of the Plant Genetics Institute - Division of Firenze, National Research Council of Florence
- Dec 2001: Permanent position as Director of Research at the Plant Genetics Institut of the National Research Council of Florence
- Jun 1996: Research fellow at the USDA, Forestry Sciences Lab., Rhinelander, Wisconsin, USA
- Dec 1998: Permanent position as Senior Researcher at the Forest Tree Breeding Institute of the National Research Council of Florence Nov. 1989: Research fellow at the Forest Genetics Institute, University of Gottingen, Germany
- Jun 1986: Research fellow at the Forest Genetics Institute, University of Gottingen, Germany
- Apr 1985: Permanent position as Researcher at the Forest Tree Breeding Institute of the National Research Council of Florence
- Nov 1983: Fellowship at the Silviculture Institute, University of Florence
- Jun 1982: Research associate at the Silviculture Institute, University of Florence
- Feb 1981: Graduated in Forest Sciences magna cum laude at the University of Florence
Recent Scientific Activities
- Scientific responsible of more than 35 national and international projects.
- Associated editor and member of editorial board of scientific journals.
- Coordinator of an IUFRO unit. Member of international scientific commissions for the evaluation of EU proposals.
- Ad Hoc Reviewer for 40 scientific journals.
- Scientific board in international and national congresses and scientific societies.
- Invited speakers and chairperson at international and national congresses.
- Teaching of international and national courses.
- Advise and direct national and international Graduate students, PhD students and Post Doc.
- Honorary research fellow at Bioversity International.
More than 290 full papers published in International journals (cited more than 23100 times to the present, with 58 most cited publications receiving more than 100 citations each) and about 20 contributions to book chapter. Holds at present a H index of 80.
Publications, Books and Articles
Please find the full list of my publications at the following URL:
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Warmer springs favour early germination of range-wide Quercus suber L. populations
Benito Garzón M, Baillou F, Costa e Silva F, Faria C, Marchi M, Vendramin GG, Vizcaíno-Palomar N
Year: 2023
A range wide postglacial history of Swiss stone pine based on molecular markers and palaeoecological evidence
Gugerli F, Brodbeck S, Lendvay B, Dauphin B, Bagnoli F, van der Knaap WO, Tinner W, Höhn M, Vendramin GG, Morales-Molino C, Schwörer C
Year: 2023
Between but not within species variation in the Distribution of Fitness Effects
James J, Kastally C, Budde KB, González-Martínez SC, Milesi P, Pyhäjärvi T, Alizoti P, Alía R, Ambrosio O, Aravanopoulos FA, von Arx G, Audrey A, Auñón F, Avanzi C, Avramidou E, Bagnoli F, Bajc M, Ballesteros E, Barbas E, del Barrio JM, Bastias CC, Bastien C, Beffa G, Benavides R, Benoit V, Bernier F, Bignalet H, Bodineau G, Bouic D, Brodbeck S, Brunetto W, Buchovska J, Buret C, Buy M, Cabanillas-Saldaña AM, Carvalho B, Cavers S, Del Caño F, Cervantes S, Cheval N, Climent JM, Correard M, Cremer E, Danusevičius D, Dauphin B, Denou JL, Dokhelar B, Ducousso A, Fady B, Faivre-Rampant P, Farsakoglou AM, Fonti P, Ganopoulos I, Gilg O, De Girardi N, Graf R, Gray A, Grivet D, Gugerli F, Hartleitner C, Heer K, Hollenbach E, Hurel A, Issenhuth B, Jean F, Jorge V, Jouineau A, Kappner JP, Kesälahti R, Knutzen F, Kujala ST, Kumpula TA, Kärkkäinen K, Labriola M, Lalanne C, Lambertz J, Le-Provost G, Lejeune V, Lesur-Kupin I, Levillain J, Liesebach M, López-Quiroga D, Malliarou E, Marchon J, Mariotte N, Mas A, Matesanz S, Meier B, Meischner H, Michotey C, Morganti S, Myking T, Nievergelt D, Eskild Nilsen A, Notivol E, Ojeda DI, Olsson S, Opgenoorth L, Ostreng G, Pakull B, Perry A, Pinosio S, Piotti A, Plomion C, Poinot N, Pringarbe M, Puzos L, Raffin A, Ramírez-Valiente JA, Rellstab C, Remi D, Reutimann O, Richter S, Robledo-Arnuncio JJ, Rogier O, Sancho EM, Savolainen O, Scalabrin S, Schneck V, Schueler S, Scotti I, Segundo SS, Semerikov V, Slámová L, Spanu I, Sønstebø JH, Thevenet J, Tollefsrud MM, Turion N, Valladares F, Vendramin GG, Villar M, Westergren M, Westin J, Lascoux M
Year: 2023
Synchronous effective population size changes and genetic stability of forest trees through glacial cycles
Milesi P, Kastally C, Dauphin B, Cervantes S, Bagnoli F, Budde KB, Cavers S, Ojeda DI, Fady B, Faivre-Rampant P, González-Martínez SC, Grivet D, Gugerli F, Jorge V, Lesur-Kupin I, Olsson S, Opgenoorth L, Pinosio S, Plomion C, Rellstab C, Rogier O, Scalabrin S, Scotti I, Vendramin GG, Westergren M, Lascoux M, Pyhäjärvi T
Year: 2023
Correction to: Population structure and signals of local adaptation in Eugenia uniflora (Myrtaceae), a widely distributed species in the Atlantic Forest
Year: 2023
Diversity and enrichment of breeding material for resilience in European forests
Olsson S, Dauphin B, Jorge V, Grivet D, Farsakoglou AM, Climent J, Alizoti P, Faivre-Rampant P, Pinosio S, Milesi P, Scalabrin S, Bagnoli F, Scotti I, Vendramin GG, Gonzalez-Martinez SC, Fady B, Aravanopoulus FA, Bastien C, Alia R
Year: 2023
Common microgeographical selection patterns revealed in four European conifers
Scotti I, Lalagüe H, Oddouâààmuratorio S, Scottiâààsaintagne C, Ruiz Daniels R, Grivet D, Lefevre F, Cubry P, Fady B, Gonzálezâààmartínez SC, Roig A, Lesurâààkupin I, Bagnoli F, Guerin V, Plomion C, Rozenberg P, Vendramin GG
Year: 2023
High pollen immigration but no gene flow via-seed into a Genetic Conservation Unit of the endangered Picea omorika after disturbance
Aleksić JM, Mataruga M, Daničić V, Cvjetković B, Milanović Ä, Giuseppe Vendramin G, Avanzi C, Piotti A
Year: 2022
Forest Genetics Research in the Mediterranean Basin: Bibliometric Analysis, Knowledge Gaps, and Perspectives
Fady B, Esposito E, Abulaila K, Aleksic JM, Alia R, Alizoti P, Apostol EN, Aravanopoulos P, Ballian D, Kharrat MB, Carrasquinho I, Albassatneh MC, Curtu AL, David-Schwartz R, de Dato G, Douaihy B, Eliades NH, Fresta L, Gaouar SB, Illoul MH, Ivetic V, Ivankovic M, Kandemir G, Khaldi A, Khouja ML, Kraigher H, Lefèvre F, Mahfoud I, Marchi M, Martín FP, Picard N, Sabatti M, Sbay H, Scotti-Saintagne C, Stevens DT, Vendramin GG, Vinceti B, Westergren M
Year: 2022
Polygenic adaptation and negative selection across traits, years and environments in a longâààlived plant species ( Pinus pinaster Ait., Pinaceae)
Miguel M, Rodríguezâààquilón I, Heuertz M, Hurel A, Grivet D, Jaramilloâààcorrea JP, Vendramin GG, Plomion C, Majada J, Alía R, Eckert AJ, Gonzálezâààmartínez SC
Year: 2022
Marginality indices for biodiversity conservation in forest trees
Picard N, Marchi M, Serra-Varela MJ, Westergren M, Cavers S, Notivol E, Piotti A, Alizoti P, Bozzano M, González-Martínez SC, Grivet D, Aravanopoulos FA, Vendramin GG, Ducci F, Fady B, Alía R
Year: 2022
Population structure and signals of local adaptation in Eugenia uniflora (Myrtaceae), a widely distributed species in the Atlantic Forest
Vetö NM, Postolache D, Guzman Escudero FL, Vajana E, Burgo Braga R, Salgueiro F, Margis R, Vendramin GG, Turchetto-Zolet AC
Year: 2022
Spatial patterns of genus-level phylogenetic endemism in the tree flora of Mediterranean Europe
Cheikh Albassatneh M, Escudero M, Monnet A, Arroyo J, Bacchetta G, Bagnoli F, Dimopoulos P, Hampe A, Leriche A, Médail F, Nikolic T, Ponger L, Vendramin GG, Fady B
Year: 2021
Imprints of selection in peripheral and ecologically marginal central-eastern European Scots pine populations
Gy. Tóth E, Bagnoli F, Vendramin GG, György Z, Spanu I, Höhn M
Year: 2021
Fine-scale spatial genetic structure across the species range reflects recent colonization of high elevation habitats in silver fir ( Abies alba Mill.)
Major EI, Höhn M, Avanzi C, Fady B, Heer K, Opgenoorth L, Piotti A, Popescu F, Postolache D, Vendramin GG, Csilléry K
Year: 2021
Evolutionary history of the mediterranean Pinus halepensis-brutia species complex using gene-resequencing and transcriptomic approaches
Olsson S, Lorenzo Z, Zabal-Aguirre M, Piotti A, Vendramin GG, González-Martínez SC, Grivet D
Year: 2021
The GenTree Platform: growth traits and tree-level environmental data in 12 European forest tree species
Opgenoorth L, Dauphin B, Benavides R, Heer K, Alizoti P, Martínez-Sancho E, Alía R, Ambrosio O, Audrey A, Auñón F, Avanzi C, Avramidou E, Bagnoli F, Barbas E, Bastias CC, Bastien C, Ballesteros E, Beffa G, Bernier F, Bignalet H, Bodineau G, Bouic D, Brodbeck S, Brunetto W, Buchovska J, Buy M, Cabanillas-Saldaña AM, Carvalho B, Cheval N, Climent JM, Correard M, Cremer E, Danusevičius D, Caño FD, Denou J-L, Gerardi N, Dokhelar B, Ducousso A, Nilsen AE, Farsakoglou A-M, Fonti P, Ganopoulos I, García del Barrio JM, Gilg O, González-Martínez SC, Graf R, Gray A, Grivet D, Gugerli F, Hartleitner C, Hollenbach E, Hurel A, Issehut B, Jean F, Jorge V, Jouineau A, Kappner J-P, Kärkkäinen K, Kesälahti R, Knutzen F, Kujala ST, Kumpula TA, Labriola M, Lalanne C, Lambertz J, Lascoux M, Lejeune V, Le-Provost G, Levillain J, Liesebach M, López-Quiroga D, Meier B, Malliarou E, Marchon J, Mariotte N, Mas A, Matesanz S, Meischner H, Michotey C, Milesi P, Morganti S, Nievergelt D, Notivol E, Ostreng G, Pakull B, Perry A, Piotti A, Plomion C, Poinot N, Pringarbe M, Puzos L, Pyhäjärvi T, Raffin A, Ramírez-Valiente JA, Rellstab C, Remi D, Richter S, Robledo-Arnuncio JJ, San Segundo S, Savolainen O, Schueler S, Schneck V, Scotti I, Semerikov V, Slámová L, Sønstebø JH, Spanu I, Thevenet J, Tollefsrud MM, Turion N, Vendramin GG, Villar M, von Arx G, Westin J, Fady B, Myking T, Valladares F, Aravanopoulos FA, Cavers S
Year: 2021
Genetic signatures of divergent selection in European beech ( Fagus sylvatica L.) are associated with the variation in temperature and precipitation across its distribution range
Postolache D, Oddouâààmuratorio S, Vajana E, Bagnoli F, Guichoux E, Hampe A, Le Provost G, Lesur I, Popescu F, Scotti I, Piotti A, Vendramin GG
Year: 2021
Population genetics and genomics of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis)
Vendramin GG, Avanzi C, Gonzalez-Martinez S, Grivet D
Year: 2021
Individual reproductive success in Norway spruce natural populations depends on growth rate, age and sensitivity to temperature
Avanzi C, Heer K, Büntgen U, Labriola M, Leonardi S, Opgenoorth L, Piermattei A, Urbinati C, Vendramin GG, Piotti A
Year: 2020
The origin of the Afro-Mediterranean cypresses: Evidence from genetic analysis
Bagnoli F, Della Rocca G, Spanu I, Fineschi S, Vendramin G
Year: 2020
The GenTree Leaf Collection: inter and intraspecific leaf variation in seven forest tree species in Europe
Benavides R, Carvalho B, Bastias CC, López-Quiroga D, Mas A, Cavers S, Gray A, Albet A, Alía R, Ambrosio O, Aravanopoulos F, Auñón F, Avanzi C, Avramidou EV, Bagnoli F, Ballesteros E, Barbas E, Bastien C, Bernier F, Bignalet H, Bouic D, Brunetto W, Buchovska J, Cabanillas-Saldaña AM, Cheval N, Climent JM, Correard M, Cremer E, Danusevičius D, Dauphin B, Del Caño F, Denou J, Dokhelar B, Dourthe R, Farsakoglou A, Fera A, Fonti P, Ganopoulos I, García del Barrio JM, Gilg O, González-Martínez SC, Graf R, Grivet D, Gugerli F, Hartleitner C, Heer K, Hollenbach E, Hurel A, Issehuth B, Jean F, Jorge V, Jouineau A, Kappner J, Kärkkäinen K, Kesälahti R, Knutzen F, Kujala ST, Kumpula T, Labriola M, Lalanne C, Lambertz J, Lascoux M, Le Provost G, Liesebach M, Malliarou E, Marchon J, Mariotte N, Martínez-Sancho E, Matesanz S, Meischner H, Michotey C, Milesi P, Morganti S, Myking T, Nilsen AE, Notivol E, Opgenoorth L, Østreng G, Pakull B, Piotti A, Plomion C, Poinot N, Pringarbe M, Puzos L, Pyhäjärvi T, Raffin A, Ramírez-Valiente JA, Rellstab C, Richter S, Robledo-Arnuncio JJ, San Segundo S, Savolainen O, Schneck V, Schueler S, Scotti I, Semerikov V, Henrik Sønstebø J, Spanu I, Thevenet J, Tollefsrud MM, Turion N, Vendramin GG, Villar M, Westin J, Fady B, Valladares F
Year: 2020
Genomic and phenotypic divergence unveil microgeographic adaptation in the Amazonian hyperdominant tree Eperua falcata Aubl. (Fabaceae)
Brousseau L, Fine PV, Dreyer E, Vendramin GG, Scotti I
Year: 2020
Polygenic adaptation and negative selection across traits, years and environments in a long-lived plant species (Pinus pinaster Ait.)
De Miguel M, Rodríguez-Quilón I, Heuertz M, Hurel A, Grivet D, Jaramillo-Correa JP, Vendramin GG, Plomion C, Majada J, Alía R, Eckert AJ, González-Martínez SC
Year: 2020
Portuguese Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold populations: genetic diversity, structure and relationships inferred by SSR markers
Dias A, Giovannelli G, Fady B, Spanu I, Vendramin GG, Bagnoli F, Carvalho A, Silva ME, Lima-Brito J, Lousada JL, Gaspar MJ
Year: 2020
Evolutionary rate and genetic load in an emblematic Mediterranean tree following an ancient and prolonged population collapse
Jaramillo-Correa JP, Bagnoli F, Grivet D, Fady B, Aravanopoulos FA, Vendramin GG, González-Martínez SC
Year: 2020
The GenTree Dendroecological Collection, tree-ring and wood density data from seven tree species across Europe
Martínez-Sancho E, Slámová L, Morganti S, Grefen C, Carvalho B, Dauphin B, Rellstab C, Gugerli F, Opgenoorth L, Heer K, Knutzen F, von Arx G, Valladares F, Cavers S, Fady B, Alía R, Aravanopoulos F, Avanzi C, Bagnoli F, Barbas E, Bastien C, Benavides R, Bernier F, Bodineau G, Bastias CC, Charpentier JP, Climent JM, Corréard M, Courdier F, Danusevicius D, Farsakoglou AM, del Barrio JM, Gilg O, González-Martínez SC, Gray A, Hartleitner C, Hurel A, Jouineau A, Kärkkäinen K, Kujala ST, Labriola M, Lascoux M, Lefebvre M, Lejeune V, Le-Provost G, Liesebach M, Malliarou E, Mariotte N, Matesanz S, Michotey C, Milesi P, Myking T, Notivol E, Pakull B, Piotti A, Plomion C, Pringarbe M, Pyhäjärvi T, Raffin A, Ramírez-Valiente JA, Ramskogler K, Robledo-Arnuncio JJ, Savolainen O, Schueler S, Semerikov V, Spanu I, Thévenet J, Mette Tollefsrud M, Turion N, Veisse D, Vendramin GG, Villar M, Westin J, Fonti P
Year: 2020
Towards the dynamic conservation of Serbian spruce (Picea omorika) western populations
Mataruga M, Piotti A, Daničić V, Cvjetković B, Fussi B, Konnert M, Vendramin GG, Aleksić JM
Year: 2020
A multiscale approach to detect selection in nonmodel tree species: widespread adaptation despite population decline in Taxus baccata L
Mayol M, Riba M, Cavers S, Grivet D, Vincenot L, Cattonaro F, Vendramin GG, González-Martínez SC
Year: 2020
Evolutionary relevance of lineages in the European black pine (Pinus nigra) in the transcriptomic era
Olsson S, Grivet D, Cattonaro F, Vendramin V, Giovannelli G, Scotti-Saintagne C, Vendramin GG, Fady B
Year: 2020
Functional relationships of wood anatomical traits in Norway spruce
Piermattei A, von Arx G, Avanzi C, Fonti P, Gärtner H, Piotti A, Urbinati C, Vendramin GG, Büntgen U, Crivellaro A
Year: 2020
Staying close: short local dispersal distances on a managed forest of two Patagonian Nothofagus species
Sola G, El Mujtar V, Gallo L, Vendramin GG, Marchelli P
Year: 2020
Disentangling the effects of spatial proximity and genetic similarity on individual growth performances in Norway spruce natural populations
Avanzi C, Piermattei A, Piotti A, Büntgen U, Heer K, Opgenoorth L, Spanu I, Urbinati C, Vendramin GG, Leonardi S
Year: 2019
Reproductive and genetic consequences of extreme isolation in Salix herbacea L. at the rear edge of its distribution
Carbognani M, Piotti A, Leonardi S, Pasini L, Spanu I, Vendramin GG, Tomaselli M, Petraglia A
Year: 2019
A comprehensive, genus-level time-calibrated phylogeny of the tree flora of Mediterranean Europe and an assessment of its vulnerability
Cheikh Albassatneh M, Escudero M, Ponger L, Monnet A -C, Arroyo J, Nikolic T, Bacchetta G, Bagnoli F, Dimopoulos P, Leriche A, Medail F, Roig A, Spanu I, Vendramin GG, Hampe A, Fady B
Year: 2019
Genomic data provide new insights on the demographic history and the extent of recent material transfers in Norway spruce
Chen J, Li L, Milesi P, Jansson G, Berlin M, Karlsson B, Aleksic J, Vendramin GG, Lascoux M
Year: 2019
The genetic structure of the European black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) is shaped by its recent Holocene demographic history
Giovannelli G, Scotti-Saintagne C, Scotti I, Roig A, Spanu I, Vendramin GG, Guibal F, Fady B
Year: 2019
Using reduced representation libraries sequencing methods to identify cpDNA polymorphisms in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L)
Meger J, Ulaszewski B, Vendramin GG, Burczyk J
Year: 2019
A reference genome sequence for the European silver fir (Abies alba Mill.): a community-generated genomic resource
Mosca E, Cruz F, Gómez-Garrido J, Bianco L, Rellstab C, Brodbeck S, Csilléry K, Fady B, Fladung M, Fussi B, Gömöry D, González-Martínez SC, Grivet D, Gut M, Hansen OK, Heer K, Kaya Z, Krutovsky KV, Kersten B, Liepelt S, Opgenoorth L, Sperisen C, Ullrich KK, Vendramin GG, Westergren M, Ziegenhagen B, Alioto T, Gugerli F, Heinze B, Höhn M, Troggio M, Neale DB
Year: 2019
Molecular and Quantitative Genetics of Stone Pine (Pinus pinea) - cap. 3 in Genetic Diversity in Horticultural Plants
Mutke S, Vendramin GG, Fady B, Bagnoli F, González-Martínez SC
Year: 2019
Looking for local adaptation: convergent microevolution in aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis)
Ruiz Daniels R, Taylor RS, González-Martínez SC, Vendramin GG, Fady B, Oddou-Muratorio S, Piotti A, Simioni G, Grivet D, Beaumont MA
Year: 2019
Recent, Late Pleistocene fragmentation shaped the phylogeographic structure of the European black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold)
Scotti-Saintagne C, Giovannelli G, Scotti I, Roig A, Spanu I, Vendramin GG, Guibal F, Fady B
Year: 2019
Genomics of microgeographic adaptation in the hyperdominant Amazonian tree Eperua falcata Aubl. (Fabaceae).
Brousseau L, Fine PV, Dreyer E, Vendramin GG, Scotti I
Year: 2018
Linking dendroecology and association genetics in natural populations: Stress responses archived in tree rings associate with SNP genotypes in silver fir ( Abies alba Mill.)
Heer K, Behringer D, Piermattei A, Bässler C, Brandl R, Fady B, Jehl H, Liepelt S, Lorch S, Piotti A, Vendramin G, Weller M, Ziegenhagen B, Büntgen U, Opgenoorth L
Year: 2018
De novo assembly of English yew (Taxus baccata) transcriptome and its applications for intra- and inter-specific analyses
Olsson S, Pinosio S, González-Martínez SC, Abascal F, Mayol M, Grivet D, Vendramin GG
Year: 2018
Phenotypic trait variation measured on European genetic trials of Fagus sylvatica L
Robson TM, Garzón MB, Alia Miranda R, Barba Egido D, Bogdan S, Borovics A, Bozic G, Brendel O, Clark J, De Vries SM, Delehan II, Ducousso A, Fady B, Fennessy J, Forstreuter M, Frydl J, Geburek T, Gomory D, Hauke-Kowalska M, Huber G, Ibañez JI, Ionita L, Ivankovic M, Hansen JK, Kóczán- Horváth A, Kraigher H, Lee S, Liesebach M, Mátyás C, Mertens P, Muhs HJ, Novotny P, Parnuta G, Paule L, Picardo A, Rasztovics E, Rogge M, Stener LG, Sulkowska M, Urban O, Wuehlisch GV, Vendramin GG, Vettori C, Wesoly W
Year: 2018
Inferring selection in instances of long-range colonization: The Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) in the Mediterranean Basin
Ruiz Daniels R, Taylor RS, Serra-Varela MJ, Vendramin GG, González-Martínez SC, Grivet D
Year: 2018
Tracking the origin of silver fir plantations along the boundary between different genetic clusters in central Apennines: Implications for their management
Santini F, Andrisano T, Leonardi S, Ciaschetti G, Labriola M, Vendramin GG, Piotti A
Year: 2018
Exploring and conserving a “microcosm”: whole-population genetic characterization within a refugial area of the endemic, relict conifer Picea omorika
Aleksić JM, Piotti A, Geburek T, Vendramin GG
Year: 2017
Increased fire frequency promotes stronger spatial genetic structure and natural selection at regional and local scales in Pinus halepensis Mill
Budde KB, González-Martínez SC, Navascués M, Burgarella C, Mosca E, Lorenzo Z, Zabal-Aguirre M, Vendramin GG, Verdú M, Pausas JG, Heuertz M
Year: 2017
Reconstructing the plant mitochondrial genome for marker discovery: a case study using Pinus
Donnelly K, Cottrell J, Ennos RA, Vendramin GG, A’hara S, King S, Perry A, Wachowiak W, Cavers S
Year: 2017
A new set of nuclear microsatellites for an ecologically and economically important conifer: the European black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.)
Giovannelli G, Roig A, Spanu I, Vendramin GG, Fady B
Year: 2017
Past stress responses archived in tree-rings associate with SNP genotypes in Abies alba (Mill.)
Heer K, Behringer D, Piermattei A, Bassler C, Fady B, Jehl H, Liepelt S, Lorch S, Vendramin GG, Weller M, Ziegenhagen B, Buntgen U, Opgenoorth L
Year: 2017
The eastern part of the Fertile Crescent concealed an unexpected route of olive (Olea europaea L.) differentiation
Mousavi S, Mariotti R, Bagnoli F, Costantini L, Cultrera NG M, Arzani K, Pandolfi S, Vendramin GG, Torkzaban B, Hosseini-Mazinani M, Baldoni L
Year: 2017
Unexpected scenarios from Mediterranean refugial areas: disentangling complex demographic dynamics along the Apennine distribution of silver fir
Piotti A, Leonarduzzi C, Postolache D, Bagnoli F, Spanu I, Brousseau L, Urbinati C, Leonardi S, Vendramin GG
Year: 2017
Genetic diversity and divergence at the Arbutus unedo L. (Ericaceae) westernmost distribution limit
Ribeiro MM, Piotti A, Ricardo A, Gaspar D, Costa R, Parducci L, Vendramin GG
Year: 2017
Mid-Pleistocene and Holocene demographic fluctuation of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the Carpathian Mountains and the Pannonian Basin: Signs of historical expansions and contractions
Toth EG, Bede-Fazekas A, Vendramin GG, Bagnoli F, Hohn M
Year: 2017
High genetic diversity and distinct origin of recently fragmented Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) populations along the Carpathians and the Pannonian Basin
Toth EG, Vendramin GG, Bagnoli F, Cseke K, Hohn M
Year: 2017
Multispecies genetic structure and hybridization in the Betula genus across Eurasia
Tsuda Y, Semerikov V, Sebastiani F, Vendramin GG, Lascoux M
Year: 2017
Fine- and local-scale genetic structure of Dysoxylum malabaricum, a late-successional canopy tree species in disturbed forest patches in the Western Ghats, India
Bodare S, Ravikanth G, Ismail SA, Patel MK, Spanu I, Vasudeva R, Shaanker RU, Vendramin GG, Lascoux M, Tsuda Y
Year: 2016
Local Adaptation in European Firs Assessed through Extensive Sampling across Altitudinal Gradients in Southern Europe
Brousseau L, Postolache D, Lascoux M, Drouzas AD, Källman T, Leonarduzzi C, Liepelt S, Piotti A, Popescu F, Roschanski AM, Zhelev P, Fady B, Vendramin GG
Year: 2016
Evolution-based approach needed for the conservation and silviculture of peripheral forest tree populations
Fady B, Aravanopoulos FA, Alizoti P, Mátyás C, von Wühlisch G, Westergren M, Belletti P, Cvjetkovic B, Ducci F, Huber G, Kelleher CT, Khaldi A, Kharrat MB, Kraigher H, Kramer K, Mühlethaler U, Peric S, Perry A, Rousi M, Sbay H, Stojnic S, Tijardovic M, Tsvetkov I, Varela MC, Vendramin GG, Zlatanov T
Year: 2016
Effective gene flow in a historically fragmented area at the southern edge of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) distribution
Leonarduzzi C, Piotti A, Spanu I, Vendramin GG
Year: 2016
Development and Characterization of Three Highly Informative EST-SSR Multiplexes for Pinus halepensis mill. and their Transferability to Other Mediterranean Pines
Leonarduzzi C, Spanu I, Labriola M, Gonzalez-Martinez SC, Piotti A, Vendramin GG
Year: 2016
Causes and consequences of large clonal assemblies in a poplar hybrid zone
Macaya-Sanz D, Heuertz M, Lindtke D, Vendramin GG, Lexer C, González-Martínez SC
Year: 2016
High-density SNP assay development for genetic analysis in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster
Plomion C, Bartholome J, Lesur I, Boury C, Rodriguez-Quilon I, Lagraulet H, Ehrenmann F, Bouffier L, Gion JM, Grivet D, De Miguel M, De Maria N, Cervera MT, Bagnoli F, Isik F, Vendramin GG, Gonzalez-Martinez SC
Year: 2016
Genome-environment association study suggests local adaptation to climate at the regional scale in Fagus sylvatica
Pluess AR, Frank A, Heiri C, Lalagüe H, Vendramin GG, Oddou-Muratorio S
Year: 2016
Evidence of divergent selection for drought and cold tolerance at landscape and local scales in Abies alba Mill. in the French Mediterranean Alps
Roschanski AM, Csilléry K, Liepelt S, Oddou-Muratorio S, Ziegenhagen B, Huard F, Ullrich KK, Postolache D, Vendramin GG, Fady B
Year: 2016
The effect of silvicultural management on the genetic diversity of a mixed Nothofagus forest in Lanín Natural Reserve, Argentina
Sola G, El Mujtar V, Tsuda Y, Vendramin GG, Gallo L
Year: 2016
Logging by selective extraction of best trees: Does it change patterns of genetic diversity? The case of Nothofagus pumilio
Soliani C, Vendramin GG, Gallo LA, Marchelli P
Year: 2016
The extent and meaning of hybridization and introgression between Siberian spruce (Picea obovata) and Norway spruce (Picea abies): cryptic refugia as stepping stones to the west?
Tsuda Y, Chen J, Stocks M, Källman T, Sønstebø JH, Parducci L, Semerikov V, Sperisen C, Politov D, Ronkainen T, Väliranta M, Vendramin GG, Tollefsrud MM, Lascoux M
Year: 2016
Assessing early fitness consequences of exotic gene flow in the wild: a field study with Iberian pine relicts
Unger GM, Heuertz M, Vendramin GG, Robledo-Arnuncio JJ
Year: 2016
Combining molecular and fossil data to infer demographic history of Quercus cerris: insights on European eastern glacial refugia
Bagnoli F, Tsuda Y, Fineschi S, Bruschi P, Magri D, Zhelev P, Paule L, Simeone MC, González-Martínez SC, Vendramin GG
Year: 2015
Genomic Resources Notes Accepted 1 October 2014-30 November 2014
Baratti M, Cattonaro F, Di Lorenzo T, Galassi DM, Iannilli V, Iannucci A, Jensen J, Larsen PF, Nielsen RO, Pertoldi C, Postolache D, Pujolar JM, Randi E, Ruiz-Gonzalez A, Thirstrup JP, Vendramin GG, Zalewski A
Year: 2015
The first SSR-based assessment of genetic variation and structure among Pinus laricio Poiret populations within their native area
Bonavita S, Vendramin GG, Bernardini V, Avolio S, Regina TM
Year: 2015
Complete Chloroplast Genome of the Multifunctional Crop Globe Artichoke and Comparison with Other Asteraceae
Curci PL, De Paola D, Danzi D, Vendramin GG, Sonnante G
Year: 2015
Genetic structure in the Genista ephedroides complex (Fabaceae) and implications for its present distribution
De Castro O, Véla E, Vendramin GG, Gargiulo R, Caputo P
Year: 2015
Adapting through glacial cycles: insights from a long-lived tree (Taxus baccata)
Mayol M, Riba M, González-Martínez SC, Bagnoli F, de Beaulieu JL, Berganzo E, Burgarella C, Dubreuil M, Krajmerová D, Paule L, Romšáková I, Vettori C, Vincenot L, Vendramin GG
Year: 2015
Local effects drive heterozygosity-fitness correlations in an outcrossing long-lived tree
Rodríguez-Quilón I, Santos-del-Blanco L, Grivet D, Jaramillo-Correa JP, Majada J, Vendramin GG, Alía R, González-Martínez SC
Year: 2015
Halfway encounters: meeting points of colonization routes among the southern beeches Nothofagus pumilio and N. antarctica
Soliani C, Tsuda Y, Bagnoli F, Gallo LA, Vendramin GG, Marchelli P
Year: 2015
Assessing Early Fitness Consequences of Exotic Gene Flow in The Wild: A Field Study with Iberian Pine Relicts
Unger GM, Heuertz M, Vendramin GG, Robledo-Arnuncio JJ
Year: 2015
The role of forest genetic resources in responding to biotic and abiotic factors in the context of anthropogenic climate change
Alfaro RI, Fady B, Vendramin GG, Dawson IK, Fleming RA, Saenz-Romero C, Lindig-Cisneros RA, Murdock T, Vinceti B, Navarro CM, Skroppa T, Baldinelli G, El-Kassaby YA, Loo J
Year: 2014
Mediterranean Germplasm Database
Bucci G, Scarascia M, Cataldo P, Ianigro M, Laghetti G, Vendramin GG
Year: 2014
In-situ genetic association for serotiny, a fire-related trait, in Mediterranean maritime pine (Pinus pinaster)
Budde KB, Heuertz M, Hernández-Serrano A, Pausas JG, Vendramin GG, Verdú M, González-Martínez SC
Year: 2014
Clinal Variation at Phenology-Related Genes in Spruce: Parallel Evolution in FTL2 and Gigantea?
Chen J, Tsuda Y, Stocks M, Kallman T, Xu N, Karkkainen K, Huotari T, Semerikov VL, Vendramin GG, Lascoux M
Year: 2014
Detecting short spatial scale local adaptation and epistatic selection in climate-related candidate genes in European beech (Fagus sylvatica) populations
Csilléry K, Lalagüe H, Vendramin GG, González-Martínez SC, Fady B, Oddou-Muratorio S
Year: 2014
High Rates of Gene Flow by Pollen and Seed in Oak Populations across Europe
Gerber S, Chadoeuf J, Gugerli F, Lascoux M, Buiteveld J, Cottrell J, Dounavi A, Fineschi S, Forrest LL, Fogelqvist J, Goicoechea PG, Jensen JS, Salvini D, Vendramin GG, Kremer A
Year: 2014
Global to local genetic diversity indicators of evolutionary potential in tree species within and outside forests
Graudal L, Aravanopoulos F, Bennadji Z, Changtragoon S, Fady B, Kjaer ED, Loo J, Ramamonjisoa L, Vendramin GG
Year: 2014
Molecular proxies for climate maladaptation in a long-lived tree (Pinus pinaster Aiton, Pinaceae)
Jaramillo-Correa J-P, Rodríguez-quilón I, Grivet D, Lepoittevin C, Sebastiani F, Heuertz M, Garnier-Géré PH, Alía R, Plomion C, Vendramin GG, González-Martínez SC
Year: 2014
Genomic exploration and molecular marker development in a large and complex conifer genome using RADseq and mRNAseq
Karam M-J, Lefèvre F, Bou Dagher-Kharrat M, Pinosio S, Vendramin GG
Year: 2014
Nucleotide diversity and linkage disequilibrium at 58 stress response and phenology candidate genes in a European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) population from southeastern France
Lalague H, Csillery K, Oddou-Muratorio S, Safrana J, de Quattro C, Fady B, Gonzalez-Martinez SC, Vendramin GG
Year: 2014
Limited genetic variability and phenotypic plasticity detected for cavitation resistance in a Mediterranean pine
Lamy JB, Delzon S, Bouche PS, Alia R, Vendramin GG, Cochard H, Plomion C
Year: 2014
Genetic biodiversity of Italian Olives (Olea europaea) germplasm analyzed by SSR markers. Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Muzzalupo I, Vendramin GG, Chiappetta A
Year: 2014
First insights into the transcriptome and development of new genomic tools of a widespread circum-Mediterranean tree species, Pinus halepensis Mill
Pinosio S, Gonzalez-Martinez SC Bagnoli F, Cattonaro F, Grivet D, Marroni F, Lorenzo Z, Pausas JG, Verdu M, Vendramin GG
Year: 2014
Studio della variabilità genetica adattativa in specie forestali: un approccio genomico per la definizione di strategie di conservazione per il pino loricato nel parco nazionale del Pollino
Piotti A, Borghetti M, Schettino A, Vendramin GG
Year: 2014
Transcriptome versus Genomic Microsatellite Markers: Highly Informative Multiplexes for Genotyping Abies alba Mill. and Congeneric Species
Postolache D, Leonarduzzi C, Piotti A, Spanu I, Roig A, Fady B, Roschanski A, Liepelt S, Vendramin GG
Year: 2014
Micro- and Macro-Geographic Scale Effect on the Molecular Imprint of Selection and Adaptation in Norway Spruce
Scalfi M, Mosca E, Di Pierro EA, Troggio M, Vendramin GG, Sperisen C, La Porta N, Neale DB
Year: 2014
Estimating Exotic Gene Flow Into Native Pine Stands: Zygotic Versus Gametic Components
Unger GM, Vendramin GG, Robledo-Arnuncio JJ
Year: 2014
Cryptic species and phylogeography in Cedrela odorata L. throughout the Neotropics
Cavers S, Telford A, Arenal Cruz F, Valencia R, Navarro C, Buonamici A, Lowe AJ, Vendramin GG
Year: 2013
Biodiversity, forest genetic resources and climate change
Fady B, Ducci F, Vendramin GG
Year: 2013
Habitat features and genetic integrity of wild grapevine Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris (C.C. Gmel.) Hegi populations: A case study from Sicily
Garfì G, Mercati F, Fontana I, Collesano G, Pasta S, Vendramin GG, De Michele R, Carimi F
Year: 2013
Population structure of Cynara cardunculus complex and the origin of the conspecific crops artichoke and cardoon
Gatto A, De Paola D, Bagnoli F, Vendramin GG, Sonnante G
Year: 2013
Population structure of Cynara cardunculus complex and the origin of conspecific crops artichoke and cardoon
Gatto A, De Paola D, Bagnoli F, Vendramin GG, Sonnante G
Year: 2013
Adaptive evolution of mediterranean pines
Grivet D, Climent J, Zabal-Aguirre M, Neale DB, Vendramin GG, González-Martínez SC
Year: 2013
Within-population genetic structure in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stands characterized by different disturbance histories: does forest management simplify population substructure?
Piotti A, Leonardi S, Heuertz M, Buiteveld J, Geburek T, Gerber S, Kramer K, Vettori C, Vendramin GG
Year: 2013
Amazon diversification and cross-Andean dispersal of the widespread Neotropical tree species Jacaranda copaia (Bignoniaceae)
Scotti-Saintagne C, Dick CW, Caron H, Vendramin GG, Troispoux V, Sire P, Casalis M, Buonamici A, Valencia R, Lemes MR, Gribel R, Scotti I
Year: 2013
EUFORGEN Technical Guidlines for genetic conservation and use for Mediterranean firs (Abies spp.)
Alizoti PG, Fady B, Prada MA, Vendramin GG
Year: 2012
Comparative mapping in the Fagaceae and beyond with EST-SSRs
Bodenes C, Chancerel E, Gailing O, Vendramin GG, Bagnoli F, Durand J, Goicoechea PG, Soliani C, Villani F, Mattioni C, Koelewijn HP, Murat F, Salse J, Roussel G, Boury C, Alberto F, Kremer A, Plomion C
Year: 2012
Recent population decline and selection shape diversity of taxol-related genes
Burgarella C, Navascués M, Zabal-Aguirre M, Berganzo E, Riba M, Mayol M, Vendramin GG, González-MartÍnez SC
Year: 2012
Molecular genetic diversity of Punica granatum L. (pomegranate) as revealed by micro satellite DNA markers (SSR)
Hasnaoui N, Buonamici A, Sebastiani F, Mars M, Zhang D, Vendramin GG
Year: 2012
Characterization of new microsatellite loci isolated from Santiria trimera (Burseraceae)
Koffi KG, Heuertz M, Jans R, Hardy OJ, Vendramin GG, Duminil J
Year: 2012
Genomics of Fagaceae
Kremer A, Abbott AG, Carlson JE, Manos PS, Plomion C, Sisco P, Staton ME, Ueno S, Vendramin GG
Year: 2012
Contrasting patterns of nucleotide diversity for four dominant conifers of montane European forests. Ecological Applications
Mosca E, Eckert AJ, Liechty JD, Wegrzyn JL, La Porta N, Vendramin GG, Neale DB
Year: 2012
The influence of forest management on beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stand structure and genetic diversity
Paffetti D, Travaglini D, Buonamici A, Nocentini S, Vendramin GG, Giannini R, Vettori C
Year: 2012
Nuclear microsatellites for Pinus pinea (Pinaceae), a genetically depauperate tree, and their transferability to P. halepensis
Pinzauti F, Sebastiani F, Budde KB, Fady B, Gonzalez-Martinez SC, Vendramin GG
Year: 2012
Recent phylogeographic structure in a widespread "weedy" Neotropical tree species, Cordia alliodora (Boraginaceae)
Rymer PD, Dick CW, Vendramin GG, Buonamici A, Boshier D
Year: 2012
Phylogeography of a species complex of lowland Neotropical rainforest trees (Carapa, Meliaceae)
Scotti-Saintagne C, Dick CW, Vendramin GG, Caron H, Guichoux E, Buonanici A, Duret C, Sire P, Valencia R, Lemes MR, Gribel R, Scotti I
Year: 2012
Novel polymorphic nuclear microsatellite markers for Pinus sylvestris L.
Sebastiani F, Pinzauti F, Kujala ST, González-Martínez SC, Vendramin GG
Year: 2012
Large-scale phylogeography of the disjunct Neotropical tree species Schizolobium parahyba (Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae)
Turchetto-Zolet AC, Cruz F, Vendramin GG, Simon MF, Salgueiro F, Margis-Pinheiro M, Margis R
Year: 2012
A landscape genetics approach reveals ecological-based differentiation in populations of holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) at the northern limit of its range
Vernesi C, Rocchini D, Pecchioli E, Neteler M, Vendramin GG, Paffetti D
Year: 2012
Neutral Patterns of Genetic Variation and Applications to Conservation in Conifer Species
Bagnoli F, Fady B, Fineschi S, Oddou-Muratorio S, Piotti A, Sebastiani F, Vendramin GG
Year: 2011
Aspectos geneticos y demograficos de Taxus baccata en la Red de Parquet Nacionales
Burgarella C, Berganzo E, Zabal M, Prada A, Iglesias S, Riba M, Mayol M, Vendramin GG, Gonzalez-Martinez SC
Year: 2011
Isolation of SSR markers for two African tropical tree species Erythrophleum suaveolens and E. ivorense (Caesalpinioideae)
Duminil J, Koffi GK, Debout G, Sebastiani F, Vendramin GG, Heuertz M, González-Martínez SC, Hardy OJ
Year: 2011
Diversità genetica e adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici in ecosistemi forestali
Fineschi S, Malvolti ME, Vendramin GG, Villani F
Year: 2011
Characterization of variable EST SSR markers for Norway spruce (Picea abies L.)
Fluch S, Burg A, Kopecky D, Homolka A, Spiess N, Vendramin GG
Year: 2011
Testing for local adaptation and genetic clines in Mediaterranean pines. Evolution
González-Martínez SC, Grivet DV, C Jordi JM, Juan P, Climent J, Vendramin GG, Alia R
Year: 2011
Patterns of nucleotide diversity and association mapping
Gonzalez-Martinez SC, Dillon S, Garnier-Géré PH, Krutovsky KV, Alia R, Burgarella C, Eckert AJ, Garcia-Gil MR, Grivet D, Heuertz M, Jaramillo-Correa JP, Lascoux M, Neale DB, Savolainem O, Tsumura Y, Vendramin GG
Year: 2011
Molecular footprints of local adaptation in two Mediterranean conifers
Grivet D, Sebastiani F, Alía R, Bataillon T, Torre S, Zabal-Aguirre M, Vendramin GG, González-Martínez SC
Year: 2011
Microsatellite diversity among tunisina date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) subpopulations.
Hammadi H, Vendramin GG, Ali F
Year: 2011
A sample view of the 1 pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) genome from the sequencing of hypomethylated and random genomic libraries
Lesur I, Durand J, Sebastiani F, Gyllenstrand N, Bodénès C, Lascoux M, Kremer A, Vendramin GG, Plomion C
Year: 2011
Cross transferability of SSRs to five species of Araucariaceae: a useful tool for population genetic studies in Araucaria araucana
Moreno AC, Marchelli P, Vendramin GG, Gallo LA
Year: 2011
The further we search, the less we faoud: low genetic variation in quantitative and molecular traits in Mediaterranean stone pine (Pinus pinea)
Mutke S, Fady B, Ben Mna A, Khaldi A, Khouja ML, Gonzalez-Martinez SC, Climent J, Sebastiani F, Torre S, Vendramin GG
Year: 2011
Spatial vs. temporal effects on demographic and genetic structure: the roles of dispersal, masting and differential mortality on patterns of recruitment in Fagus sylvatica
Oddou-Muratorio S, Klein EK, Vendramin GG, Fady B
Year: 2011
Comparison of pollen gene flow among four European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) populations characterized by different management regimes
Piotti A, Leonardi S, Buiteveld J, Geburek T, Gerber S, Kramer K, Vettori C, Vendramin GG
Year: 2011
Differences in genetic structure among Fagus orientalis Lipsky (oriental beech) populations under different management conditions: Implications for in situ gene conservation
Salehi Shanjani P, Vendramin GG, Calagari M
Year: 2011
Genetic evidence for a Janzen-Connel recruitment pattern in reproductive tree offspring
Steinitz O, Vendramin GG, Nathan R
Year: 2011
Isolation of microsatellite markers for the common Mediterranean shrub Myrtus communis (Myrtaceae)
Albaladejo RG, Sebastiani F, Gonzalez-Martinez SC, Gonzalez-Varo JP, Vendramin GG, Aparicio A
Year: 2010
Aquaporins in the wild: natural genetic diversity and selective pressure in the PIP gene family in five Neotropical tree species
Audigeos D, Buonamici A, Belkadi L, Rymer P, Boshier D, Scotti-Saintagne C, Vendramin GG, Scotti I
Year: 2010
Polymorphic microsatellite markers in the Neotropical forest tree Minquartia guianensis Aubl. (Olacaceae)
Buonamici A, Lemes MR, Racchi ML, Vendramin GG
Year: 2010
Genetic effects of chronic habitat fragmentation revisited: strong genetic structure in a temperate tree, /Taxus baccata/ (taxaceae), with great dispersal capability
Dubreuil M, Riba M, González-Martínez SC, Vendramin GG, Sebastiani F, Mayol M
Year: 2010
SSR mining in oak ESTs and bin mapping of 256 loci in a Quercus robur L. full-sib pedigree
Durand J, Bodénès C, Chancerel E, Frigerio J-M, Vendramin GG, Sebastiani F, Buonamici A, Gailing O, Koelewijn H-P, Villani F, Mattioni C, Cherubini M, Goicoechea PG, Herrán A, Ikaran Z, Cabané C, Ueno S, A de Daruvar, Kremer A, Plomion C
Year: 2010
A fast and cost-effective approach to develop and map EST-SSR markers: oak as a case study
Durand J, Bodénès C, Chancerel E, Frigerio JM, Vendramin G, Sebastiani F, Buonamici A, Gailing O, Koelewijn HP, Villani F, Mattioni C, Cherubini M, Goicoechea PG, Herrán A, de Daruvar A, Kremer A, Plomion. C
Year: 2010
Spatial genetic structure of Taxus baccata L. in the western Mediterranean Basin: past and present limits to gene movement over a broad geographic scale
González-Martínez SC, Dubreuil M, Riba M, Vendramin GG, Sebastiani F, Mayol M
Year: 2010
Development and characterization of SSR markers for pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) using an enriched library
Hasnaoui N, Buonamici A, Sebastiani F, Mars M, Trifi M, Vendramin GG
Year: 2010
Geography determines genetic relationships between species of mountain pine (Pinus mugo complex) in western Europe
Heuertz M, Teufel J, Gonzàlez-Martìnez SC, Soto A, Fady B, Alìa R, Vendramin GG
Year: 2010
The Strait of Gibraltar as a major biogeographic barrier in Mediterranean conifers: a comparative phylogeographic survey
Jaramillo-Correa JP, Grivet D, Terrab A, Kurt Y, AI de-Lucas, Wahid N, Vendramin GG, González-Martínez SC
Year: 2010
Comparison of direct and indirect genetic methods for estimating seed and pollen dispersal in Fagus sylvatica and Fagus crenata
Oddou-Muratorio S, Bontemps A, Klein EK, Chybicki I, Vendramin GG, Suyama Y
Year: 2010
Tree endurance on the Tibetan Plateau marks the world’s highest known tree line of the Last Glacial Maximum
Opgenoorth L, Vendramin GG, Mao K, Miehe G, Miehe S, Liepelt S, Liu J, Ziegenhagen B
Year: 2010
Chloroplast microsatellites reveal that metallicolous populations of the Mediterranean shrub Cistus ladanifer L have multiple origins
Quintela-Sabarís C, Vendramin GG, Castro-Fernández D, Fraga MI
Year: 2010
Chloroplast DNA phylogeography of the shrub Cistus ladanifer L. (Cistaceae) in the highly Western Mediterranean region
Quintela-Sabarís C, Vendramin GG, Castro-Fernández D, Fraga MI
Year: 2010
LIFE DEMETRA: L’impatto degli OGM sull’ambiente. Il Progetto DEMETRA
Russu R, Boscaleri F, Vettori C, Colombini I, Buonamici A, Casalone E, Vendramin G, Cimò F, Fiorentini S, Tomaselli V, Chelazzi L, Fasano G, Materassi A, Donnarumma F, Bricolti S, Travaglini D, Paffetti D, Bottalico F, Perfetti A, Mastroianni O, Balducci E
Year: 2010
Effects of seed dispersal, adult tree and seedling density on the spatial genetic structure of regeneration at fine temporal and spatial scales
Sagnard F, Oddou-Muratorio S, Pichot C, Vendramin GG, Fady B
Year: 2010
Genetic diversity and differentiation of Fagus orientalis Lipsky in Hyrcanian forests revealed by nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite markers
Salehi Shanjani P, Vendramin GG, Calagari M
Year: 2010
Development of novel genomic microsatellite markers in the southern beech Nothofagus pumilio (Poepp. et Endl.) Krasser
Soliani C, Sebastiani F, Marchelli P, Gallo L, Vendramin GG
Year: 2010
Spatiotemporal mating pattern variation in a wind pollinated Mediterranean shrub
Albaladejo RG, GONZALEZ-MARTINEZ SC, Heuertz M, Vendramin GG, Aparicio A
Year: 2009
High genetic variation in marginal fragmented populations at extreme climatic conditions of the Patagonian Cypress Austrocedrus chilensis
Arana V, Gallo LA, Vendramin GG, Pastorino MJ, Sebastiani F, Marchelli P
Year: 2009
Is Cupressus sempervirens native in Italy? An answer from genetic and palaeobotanical data
Bagnoli F, Vendramin GG, Buonamici A, Doulis AG, Gonzàles Martinez SC, La Porta N, Magri D, Raddi P, Sebastiani F, Fineschi S
Year: 2009
A consensus list of microsatellite markers for olive genotyping
Baldoni L, Cultrera N, Mariotti R, Ricciolini C, Arcioni S, Vendramin GG, Buonamici A, Porceddu A, Sarri V, Ojeda M, Trujillo I, Rallo L, Belaj A, Perri E, Salimonti A, Muzzalupo I, Casagrande A, Lain O, Messina R, Testolin R
Year: 2009
Introgression from modern hybrid varieties into landrace populations of maize (Zea mays ssp. mays L.) in central Italy
Bitocchi E, Nanni L, Rossi M, Giardini A, Bellucci E, Buonamici A, Vendramin GG, Papa R
Year: 2009
Putative glacial refugia of Cedrus atlantica from Quaternary pollen records and modern genetic diversity
Cheddadi R, Fady B, Franàois L, Hajar L, Suc JP, Huang K, Demarteau M, Vendramin GG, Ortu E
Year: 2009
Spatial genetic structure in continuous and fragmented populations of Pinus pinaster Aiton
De-Lucas AI, Gonzàlez-MartÍnez SC, Vendramin GG, Hidalgo E, Heuertz M
Year: 2009
Patterns of polymorphism resulting from long-range colonization in the Mediterranean conifer Aleppo pine
Grivet D, Sebastiani F, Gonzalez-Martinez SC, Vendramin GG
Year: 2009
Gradual decline in genetic diversity in Swiss stone pine populations (Pinus cembra) across Switzerland suggests postglacial re-colonization into the Alps from a common eastern glacial refugium
Gugerli F, Rüegg M, Vendramin GG
Year: 2009
Chloroplast DNA variation in Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.) reflects contrasting post-glacial history of populations from the Carpathians and the Alps
Höhn M, Gugerli F, Abran P, Bisztray G, Buonamici A, Cseke K, Hufnagel L, Quintela-Sabarís C, Sebastiani F, Vendramin GG
Year: 2009
Forests at the limit: evolutionary genetic consequences of environmental changes at the receding (xeric) edge of distribution. Report from a research workshop
Mátýas C, Vendramin GG, Fady B
Year: 2009
Molecular evidence for the natural production of homozygous Cupressus sempervirens L. lines by Cupressus dupreziana seed trees
Nava JLR, Buonamici A, Vendramin GG, Pichot C
Year: 2009
Genetic diversity and phylogeographic analysis of Pinus leiophylla: a postglacial range expansion
Rodríguez-Banderas A, Vargas-Mendoza CF, Buonamici A, Vendramin GG
Year: 2009
Isolation and characterization of polymorphic nuclear microsatellite loci in Pinus cembra L
Salzer K, Sebastiani F, Gugerli F, Buonamici A, Vendramin GG
Year: 2009
Combined analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial markers provide new insight into the genetic structure of North European Picea abies
Tollefsrud MM, Sonstebo JH, Brochmann C, Johnsen O, Skroppa T, Vendramin GG
Year: 2009
Eight novel microsatellite DNA markers in Rhodiola rosea L.
Zini E, Clamer M, Passerotti S, Vender C, Vendramin GG, Komjanc M
Year: 2009
Development and characterization of eight polymorphic microsatellite loci from Pistacia lentiscus L. (Anacardiaceae)
Albaladejo RG, Sebastiani F, Aparicio A, Buonamici A, Gonzales-Martinez SC, Vendramin GG
Year: 2008
Development of highly polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite markers in Austrocedrus chilensis
Arana MV, Buonamici A, Sebastiani F, Alia R, Gallo LA, Marchelli P, Moreno C, Vendramin GG
Year: 2008
Microsatellite loci isolated from the tropical tree Hymenaea courbaril L. (Fabaceae)
Buonamici A, Cavers S, Vendramin GG
Year: 2008
Isolation and characterization of polymorphic nuclear microsatellite loci in Taxus baccata L
Dubreuil M, Sebastiani F, Mayol M, Gonzalez-Martinez SC, Riba M, Vendramin GG
Year: 2008
Genetic consequences of past climate and human impact on eastern Mediterranean Cedrus libani forests. Implications for their conservation
Fady B, Lefèvre F, Vendramin GG, Ambert A, Régnier C, Bariteau M
Year: 2008
Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for Cedrela odorata L. (Meliaceae), a high value neotropical tree
Hernández G, Buonamici A, Walker K, Vendramin GG, Navarro C, Cavers S
Year: 2008
Bridging ecophysiological and genetic knowledge to assess the adaptive potential of European beech
Kramer K, Buiteveld J, Forstreuter M, Geburek T, Leonardi S, Menozzi P, Povillon F, Schelhaas MJ, Teissier du Cros E, Vendramin GG, Van der Werf DC
Year: 2008
Population genetic structure of the relict Serbian spruce, Picea omorika, inferred from plastid DNA
Nasri N, Bojovic S, Vendramin GG, Fady B
Year: 2008
Maternally and paternally inherited molecular markers elucidate population patterns and inferred dispersal processes on a small scale within a subalpine stand of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.)
Scotti I, Gugerli F, Pastorelli R, Sebastiani F, Vendramin GG
Year: 2008
Genetically depauperate but widespread: the case of an emblematic Mediterranean pine
Vendramin GG, Fady B, González-Martínez SC, Hu FS, Scotti I, Sebastiani F, Soto Á, Petit RJ
Year: 2008
Range-wide phylogeography and gene zones in Pinus pinaster Ait. revealed by chloroplast microsatellite markers
Bucci G, Gonzalez-Martinez SC, Leprevost G, Plomion C, Ribeiro MM, Sebastiani F, Alia R, Vendramin GG
Year: 2007
L’analisi di marcatori molecolari per lo studio della genetica del cipresso
Fineschi F, Vendramin GG
Year: 2007
Molecular markers as a tool to characterize and promote the Italian truffle production (Tuber spp.)
Paolocci F, Rubini A, Riccioni C, Vendramin GG, Alba E, Arcioni S
Year: 2006
Plant phylogeography based on organelle genes: an introduction. Phylogeography of Southern European Refugia, Evolutionary Perspectives on the Origins and Conservation of European Biodiversity, Weiss, Steven
Petit RJ, Vendramin GG
Year: 2006
Genetic and Phylogeographic Structures of the Symbiotic Fungus Tuber magnatum
Rubini A, Paolocci F, Riccioni C, Vendramin GG, Arcioni S
Year: 2005
Geographic distribution of chloroplast variation in Italian populations of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)
Vettori C, Vendramin GG, Anzidei M, Pastorelli R, Paffetti D, Giannini R
Year: 2004
Characterization of microsatellite markers in Fagus sylvatica L. and Fagus orientalis Lipsky
Pastorelli R, Smulders MJ, Van Westende WP, Vosman B, Giannini R, Vettori C, Vendramin GG
Year: 2003
Delineation of genetic zones in the European Norway spruce natural range: preliminary evidence
Bucci G, Vendramin, GG
Year: 2000
Chloroplast microsatellite analysis reveals the presence of population subdivision in Norway spruce (Picea abies K.)
Vendramin GG, Anzidei M, Madaghiele A, Sperisen C, Bucci G
Year: 2000
Aspetti genetici del faggio in Italia
Bucci G, Raddi S, Vendramin GG, Leonardi S, Giannini R, Menozzi P
Year: 1999
Adaptability of relic populations: a case study in Pinus leucodermis Ant
Bucci G, Vendramin GG
Year: 1999
Detection of haplotypic variation and natural hybridization in halepensis-complex pine species using chloroplast simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers
Bucci G, Anzidei M, Madaghiele A, Vendramin GG
Year: 1998
A new set of PCR-based, locus-specific markers for Picea abies (L.) Karst
Scotti I, Troggio M, Soranzo N, Vendramin GG, Bucci G
Year: 1998
Distribution of genetic diversity in Pinus pinaster Ait. as revealed by chloroplast microsatellites
Vendramin GG, Anzidei M, Madaghiele A, Bucci G
Year: 1998
Genetic variation in Abies nebrodensis: a case study for a highly endangered species
Vendramin GG, Michelozzi M, Lelli L, Tognetti R
Year: 1995