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IBBR Webinars / Bacteria-mediated Enhanced Natural Attenuation of hexavalent chromium pollution in groundwater

(Oct 23, 2023)

IBBR Webinars (October 23, 2024) - Marina Tumolo, CNR-IBBR - Italy Hexavalent chromium, Cr(VI), is currently classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a Group 1 carcinogen for humans. Its detection in groundwater at concentrations above the legal limit represents a widespread environmental issue closely related to inadequate industrial waste and wastewater management. The remediation of Cr(VI) pollution is generally based on its reduction to the less toxic and less mobile trivalent state. Among the possible approaches, bioremediation mediated by native bacterial consortia offers several advantages in terms of economic and environmental sustainability, particularly in cases involving large volumes of water to be treated. However, most bacteria living in groundwater are heterotrophic, and in oligotrophic environments, such as aquifers, they require additional nutrients from external sources. Therefore, a key factor for a successful enhanced natural attenuation process is selecting the most suitable amendment to support bacterial growth and reduction processes. To this end, two microcosm-scale experiments were conducted using lactate, yeast extract, and polyhydroxybutyrate as additional carbon sources and electron donors. The results showed the effectiveness of the native micro-organisms, when properly stimulated, in promoting Cr(VI) removal from water, with the rate depending on the type of amendment provided. A metabarcoding approach also revealed that the turnover of the enriched bacterial taxa putatively involved in bioremediation is amendment-specific

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=65

IBBR Webinars / A One-Health perspective to tackle antibiotic resistance spread and impact in agri-food ecosystems

(Sep 20, 2023)

IBBR Webinars (Sept 20, 2023) - Francesca Mapelli, Università degli Studi di Milano - Dipartimento di Scienze per gli Alimenti, la Nutrizione e l’Ambiente, Italy - Antibiotic resistance (AR) is a major threat to public health at the global level and, in the last decades, several studies showed the importance to consider the environmental dimension of the phenomenon. Agrifood ecosystems are crucial environments for AR spread in the One-Health approach. In fact, one of the main routes for the entry of antibiotic resistance determinants into the environment is represented by wastewater treatment plants, which are not yet designed for the removal of emerging contaminants, like pharmaceuticals and antibiotic resistant bacteria. In this context, the use of treated wastewater in agriculture could amplify AR spread, considering that zooplankton and plant microbiome can represent transient hosts capable to transfer antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) to human pathogenic bacteria by Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) mechanisms. In particular, plants have been defined as a “bridge” connecting terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems with the human microbiome and a better understanding of HGT mechanisms in their associated bacterial communities is required. The seminar will focus on antibiotic resistance in the environment and on the role of HGT for ARGs spread into bacterial communities, highlighting the importance of an improved comprehension of the phenomenon and eventually discussing possible mitigation strategies to tackle the problem.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=57

IBBR Webinars / Spatiotemporal genetic structure and population demographic history of Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus) and its relationship with recolonization of beech-oak forest in Japan

(Aug 01, 2023)

IBBR Webinars (Aug 01, 2023) - Yoshiaki Tsuda, Ririko Koido, Cheng-Yun - Graduate School of Science and Technology, University of Tsukuba (Japan) - Prof. Yoshiaki Tsuda, Sugadaira Research Station, Mountain Science Center, University of Tsukuba Altitudinal genetic structure and demography of forest trees: Applications for forest conservation under climate change. Ririko Koido, Doctoral Programs in Biology, Graduate School of Science and Technology, University of Tsukuba Spatiotemporal genetic structure and population demographic history of Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus) and its relationship with recolonization of beech-oak forest in Japan. Cheng-Yun, Lai Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University Estimation of demographic history in Fagus crenata.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=58

IBBR Webinars / Dynamics and mechanisms of CRISPR-Cas9 through the lens of computational methods

(Apr 19, 2023)

IBBR Webinars (Apr 19, 2023) - Giulia Palermo - University of California Riverside, USA - The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) genome-editing revolution established the beginning of a new era in life sciences. I will report the role of state-of-the-art computations in the CRISPR-Cas9 revolution, from the early refinement of cryo-EM data to enhanced simulations of large-scale conformational transitions. Molecular simulations reported a mechanism for RNA binding and the formation of a catalytically competent Cas9 enzyme, in agreement with subsequent structural studies. Inspired by single-molecule experiments, molecular dynamics offered a rationale for the onset of off-target effects, while graph theory unveiled the allosteric regulation. Finally, the use of a mixed quantum-classical approach established the catalytic mechanism of DNA cleavage. Overall, molecular simulations have been instrumental in understanding the dynamics and mech- anism of CRISPR-Cas9, contributing to understanding func- tion, catalysis, allostery, and specificity.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=52

IBBR Webinars / Scent of a symbiont: the personalized genetic relationships of rhizobium-plant interaction

(Mar 22, 2023)

IBBR Webinars (Mar 22, 2023) - Alessio Mengoni, Dept. of Biology, University of Florence (Italy). - In nature, there is a large genetic diversity of rhizobial populations and a wide variability in the association of rhizobial strains with the same host plants species. The causes maintaining the high genetic diversity and the genetic basis of the variability of symbiotic association are still to be fully clarified. While the intricate core symbiotic machinery required to establish a successful rhizobia-host plant interaction has been mostly elucidated, much remains unknown about the genes required to optimize the interaction and which can determine the symbiotic variability found in nature. We addressed this problem using both in silico and in vitro modelled rhizosphere and nodulation conditions 1,2 and a variety of natural isolates of the species Sinorhizobium meliloti and cultivars of its host plant alfalfa. By performing Genome-Wide Association Studies 3 and comparative transcriptomics 4, we showed the presence of a large number of genotype-by-genotype (GxG) interactions that can have prominent impacts on symbiotic outcomes. Moreover, genome-wide DNA methylation profiles were inspected to provide insight on the putative role of epigenomic signatures on rhizobial diversity and differentiation 5..These findings may explain part of the large diversity rhizobial populations show in nature and highlight the importance of investigating natural isolates in the perspective of application as host genotype-specific bioinoculants acknowledgement: COST CA19125 EPICATCH project.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=50

IBBR Webinars / Endobacteria, mycorrhizal fungi, plants: a symbiotic hub

(Jan 25, 2023)

IBBR webinars (Jan 25, 2023) - Paola Bonfante, University of Turin, Italy. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are an ancient and beneficial group of fungi which live associated to more than 70% of land plants. A still enigmatic aspect of these fungi is that they may host endobacteria belonging to both Burkholderia-Related and Mollicutes Related Bacteria (Uehling et al., 2023). While the latter are widespread among different AM taxa, Burkholderia-Related endobacteria have been so far exclusively detected in Gigasporales, and in detail the isolate BEG34 of Gigaspora margarita contains an endobacterium, Candidatus Glomeribacter gigasporarum (CaGg), while other isolates may host both CaGg and MREs, giving rise to an endomicrobiota (Desirò et al 2014). We used OMICs tools to investigate the responses of G. margarita to CaGg and found that the endobacterium has a relevant impact on the fungal physiology (Salvioli et al. 2016) and on its transcriptome (Venice et al. 2020), even if the cured line maintains its mycorrhizal capacities. Notwithstanding the absence of a clear phenotypic effect on the host plant, OMICs tools revealed that many molecular responses related to the AM symbiosis were impacted when the cured line was used to mycorrhize the roots of Lotus japonicus (Venice et al. 2021). These experiments suggest that not only the fungus but also the plant may perceive the presence of the endobacterium, giving a further experimental evidence to the role played by symbiotic microbes in tuning fungal and plant responses.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=48

IBBR Webinars / Conventional and unconventional approaches to edit higher plant genomes

(Dec 14, 2022)

IBBR Webinars (Dec 14, 2022) - Teodoro Cardi, IBBR - UOS Portici (NA) - Italy. The very large majority of genome editing protocols in higher plants are today based on CRISPR/Cas delivered through tissue culture and de novo regeneration. CRISPR/Cas represents the third generation of programmable site-specific nucleases after ZFN and TALEN. First CRISPR/Cas reports to edit higher plant genomes appeared in 2013, few months after the publication of the seminal paper of Jinek et al. about CRISPR/Cas9 development (Science 2012, 337, 816-21, doi: 10.1126/science.1225829). In the last decade, novel Cas versions allowed to develop a range of new methods for mutation induction, sequence insertion/replacement, transcriptional activation/interference, epigenetic modification, sequence-specific imaging, that could be implemented in functional studies as well as in applied breeding. In the seminar, I will present some results of our work to develop by CRISPR/Cas tomato plants resistant to parasitic plants. In addition, I will discuss issues related to organellar genome editing in higher plants and I will show some results we have obtained for mitochondrial genomes of potato using TALE-based methods. Finally, I will review novel methods to overcome present bottlenecks of genome editing in higher plants and I will present some preliminary results of our nanotechnology-based approaches.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=43

Progetto "Lucan Cereals" - Gruppo Operativo "Cerealia"

(Dec 12, 2022)

Il progetto LUCAN CEREALS mira a favorire l’introduzione di innovazioni, la valutazione e lo scambio di pratiche volte all’ottimizzazione della gestione colturale e al controllo dei suoi impatti attraverso pratiche innovative di tipo conservativo, di precisione e di gestione in regime sia di agricoltura biologica che convenzionale. I partner sono gli imprenditori agricoli e quelli del comparto tecnologico, i mulini, i pastifici e tutti gli altri attori della filiera, tra cui le associazioni di produttori e gli enti di ricerca competenti. Altro obiettivo che il progetto si è proposto è il monitoraggio degli effetti delle pratiche adottate.


IBBR Webinars / Biocontrol of Halyomorpha halys in Italy: overview and current state

(Dec 07, 2022)

IBBR Webinars (Dec 07, 2023) - Elena Costi, Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy). - The brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), native to east Asia, is an invasive pest of agricultural crops in southern Europe and north America. Invasive populations of this species caused more than 588 mln € damage on fruit crops in Italy in 2019. In native areas, the egg- parasitoids Trissolcus japonicus and T. mitsukurii (Scelionidae) are the most efficient biocontrol agents of H. halys whereas surveys of native egg-parasitoids performed in Europe revealed the predominant presence of the native species Anastatus bifasciatus (Eupelmidae) with percentages of parasitism up to 20% on naturally laid eggs. Augmentative releases of this species carried out in Emilia Romagna region showed an average parasitization of 6% on naturally laid eggs. Since 2016 adventive populations of both exotic egg-parasitoids (T. japonicus and T. mitsukurii) have been found in Italy and, starting from 2020, a classical biological control program with T. japonicus was authorized. Collection of naturally laid egg masses by H. halys and other stinkbugs was carried out with the aim of verifying the presence of established population of T. japonicus, its parasitization efficiency on both H. halys and non-target species. The results of the three years program provide optimistic prospects due the successful settlement of T. japonicus, the spreading capacity of the adventive exotic parasitoids and the efficient contribution of the native parasitoid A. bifasciatus. Besides, the impact of the exotic parasitoids on non-target hemipterans was negligible.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=40

IBBR webinars / Quality of vegetable seeds in the global market: a phytosanitary challenge for supporting sustainable agriculture and food security

(Nov 23, 2022)

IBBR Webinars (November 23, 2022) - Davide Giovanardi , di Scienze della Vita, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia - Italy. Seeds are the primary basis for human sustenance. One of the major reason for low productivity is crop loss due to phytosanitary problems: each year, up to 16% of the global harvest is lost due to plant diseases. Limiting or preventing the introduction and dissemination of seed borne pathogens that harm plants is crucial to ensuring food security. Therefore, international science-based standards for phytosanitary measures are essential to maintain seed quality and prevent the risk posed by pest and disease dissemination. Among these standards, seed production strategies (e.g., Good Seed and Plant Practices; GSPP), diagnostic protocols and phytosanitary certification, chemical or physical seed treatments are playing a key role. Concurrently, the actors in these seed systems may involve farmers, seed companies that increasingly operate internationally, as well as governmental regulatory and international bodies, like the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), International Seed Federation (ISF), European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), European Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO), National Plant Protection Organisations and research institutions. The biosecurity alert posed by Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum associated with apiaceous (mainly carrot) seeds will be illustrated as a phytosanitary challenge from the research point of view.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=39

IBBR webinars / Protein-controlled programmable nucleic acid nanodevices for sensing application

(Nov 09, 2022)

IBBR Webinars (November 09, 2022) - Alessandro Porchetta, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata - Italy. Integrating dynamic nucleic acid (NA)-based devices with protein-controlled actuation will expand our ability to process molecular information. In the past few years, we have developed different strategies to control simple NA-based systems using proteins and antibodies [1]. Most of them take advantage of the engineering of synthetic switches, aptamers and more complex reactions that convert specific protein-binding events into measurable outputs [2]. Recently, we have reported on synthetic switches capable of transducing repair enzyme activity into measurable FRET signal changes [3]. Motivated by the above results, we aim now at developing the potential of our molecular systems in performing further programmable complex tasks by combining functional nucleic acids with CRISPR-based systems. [1] Porchetta A et al. Programmable nucleic acid nanoswitches for the rapid, single-step detection of antibodies in bodily fluids. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2018 Jan 24;140(3):947-53. [2] Rossetti M et al. Harnessing effective molarity to design an electrochemical dna-based platform for clinically relevant antibody detection. Angewandte Chemie. 2020 Aug 24;132(35):15083-8. [3] Farag N et al. Folding-upon-Repair DNA Nanoswitches for Monitoring the Activity of DNA Repair Enzymes. Angewandte Chemie. 2021 Mar 22;133(13):7359-65.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=46

IBBR webinars / Edible insect as feed: the Poultrynsect project

(Oct 05, 2022)

IBBR Webinars (October 05, 2022) Francesco Gai - Istituto di Scienze delle Produzioni Alimentari (ISPA-CNR, Italy). The use of insect derived products in animal nutrition attracts great attention and shows a great opportunity for meeting the increasing feed raw material demand. The use of insects in form of live larvae are permitted in some European countries and live larvae fed to poultry provide good nutrients and bioactive compounds with positive effects on health, but also enable birds to express their normal behaviour, with expected positive impacts on animal welfare and product quality. Poultrynsect project developed by experts in agronomy, poultry nutrition, entomology, food and veterinary sciences aims to test the effects of insect (black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens) live larvae provision to medium and slow-growing organic chickens in terms of animal welfare and meat products quality.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=41

IBBR webinars / Come comunicare la Scienza fuori dal laboratorio

(Sep 14, 2022)

IBBR Webinars (September 14, 2022) Fabio D’Elia, Alex Giordano, Francesco De Carolis - FoodHub s.r.l. Società Benefit, Bologna (Italy) - 1- I modelli di Comunicazione della Scienza 2 - I pubblici della scienza 3 - Gli scienziati che comunicano 4 - La scienza sui media 5 - La comunicazione istituzionale 6 - La cittadinanza scientifica 7 - Il ruolo di Food Hub nel comunicare le innovazioni agroalimentari 8 - Il supporto alla ricerca nella diffusione dei risultati Food Hub, attraverso questo intervento, intende presentare gli aspetti più importanti della Comunicazione della Scienza. L’appuntamento ha l’obiettivo di proporre una panoramica delle accortezze da porre quando si svolgono attività di terza missione e dissemination dei progetti di ricerca. Questi aspetti sono alla base dell’operato di Food Hub nel comunicare l’innovazione agroalimentare, anche a supporto dei centri di ricerca per la diffusione dei risultati.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=44

RAI3 / Il seme della resistenza (Indovina chi viene a cena?) di S. Giannini

(Sep 10, 2022)

Abbiamo perso il 75% delle piante e dei frutti commestibili a favore di pochissime varietà. Se questo patrimonio, almeno in parte, si è salvato è grazie al lavoro dei ricercatori delle banche del germoplasma. Quella di riferimento per tutto il Mediterraneo è in Italia, a Bari.


IBBR webinars / Data driven modelling for complex environmental system control

(Sep 07, 2022)

IBBR Webinars (September 07, 2022) Claudio Carnevale - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Industriale, Università di Brescia, Italy. In the presentation, an overview of the data driven techniques used to analyse and model complex system will be presented. In the second part of the seminar, a series of application of the presented technique to the control of complex environmental system will be presented.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=38

IBBR webinars / The manyfold roles of botanists and plant ecologists

(Jul 27, 2022)

IBBR Webinars (July 27, 2022) Salvatore Pasta - Istituto di BioScienze e BioRisorse, CNR - Palermo, Italy. Biology and ecology for wild and crop plant conservation Field investigations allow to a better understanding of the biology, the demography and (micro)topographic and (micro)climatic requirements of wild plants of high conservation interest (e.g., endemic, rare and endangered species). Moreover, studying the plant communities where such plants live enables a significant improvement of the conservation strategies. For the same reasons, similar investigations focused on wild crop relatives, may be of paramount importance to improve the conservation strategies concerning important crop plants. Linking the past and the present landscapes Available knowledge on the ecology and distribution of plant species (especially those linked to forest communities) allows to better trace the history and evolution of landscapes by comparing the data issuing from old maps, travelogues and archaeobotany (pollen, wood remains, charcoal) with current patterns. This bulk of information may provide key clues to write down more sustainable management plans on the local and regional scales. Urban habitats More than half of the world’s population is already living in the cities. Hence, there is an increasing need to understand how life scientists could support life considering the growing pressure on relatively small surfaces and how to make urban, sub-urban and peri-urban areas more liveable not only for humans, but also for other living beings. In this context, the comprehension and improvement of plant communities is the only way to support long-lasting and well-functioning ecosystems and ecosystem services. Invasion biology Alien plant establishment and invasion represent one of the main threats for natural habitats and one of the main costs for managing urban and rural areas. Studies focused on the ecology and behavior of these "outsiders" within their home range allow to predict their invasiveness better and detect the most effective measures and strategies to manage their establishment in the manmade and natural habitats where they have been introduced. Ethnobotany, Food Science and Medicine The increasing cultural collaboration between human scientists (ethnologists, language-dialect experts, archaeologists), social scientists, botanists, biochemists and medicine scientists makes it possible to "save" (i.e., non only record but also apply) what is left about the ecological traditional knowledge concerning plant uses.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=36

IBBR webinars / WRKY Gene Family Drives Dormancy Release in Onion Bulbs

(Jun 15, 2022)

IBBR Webinars (June 15, 2022) Francesco Mercati - Istituto di BioScienze e BioRisorse, CNR - Palermo, Italy. Bulb dormancy of onion is a physiological state in which the vegetative growth of the plant is stopped and the resting bulbs waiting for the next season to sprout. Early sprouting affects shelf life and storability of onion bulbs and may occur due to premature dormancy breakage. Dormancy in onion depends on many genetic, environmental and agronomical factors. Biotic stresses, such as virus infection can greatly reduce onion shelf life, maybe due to the alteration of dormancy. We compared dormancy of onion yellow dwarf virus (OYVD)-infected and uninfected bulbs observing early sprouting and rooting in the virus-infected plants. In these last plants, a lower abscisic acid (ABA) level at harvest time, which is usually considered as the start of the dormancy, has been also observed. The whole transcriptome during three different stages of dormancy (harvest time, full dormancy and dormancy release) has been developed, founding 5390 and 1322 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in uninfected and OYDV-infected bulbs, respectively. Interestingly, several transcription factors (TF) were up-regulated only in the uninfected bulbs. Among them, there were three genes belonging to the WRKY TF family that were upregulated during dormancy release. Co-expression network analysis highlighted a correlation between the expression of AcWRKY32 and genes driving key physiological processes in dormancy release of well-studied plant systems. For breeders, these genes may represent targets for controlling early sprouting in onion, reducing post-harvest losses.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=35

IBBR webinars / Multi-omics approach to uncover long shelf-life in a tomato landrace

(May 18, 2022)

IBBR Webinars (May 18, 2022) Pasquale Termolino - Istituto di BioScienze e BioRisorse, CNR, Portici (Naples), Italy. "Piennolo del Vesuvio” is a tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) landrace typical of the Vesuvio area, characterized by a long shelf-life and an high economic impact due to its valuable organoleptic traits. This landrace can be consumed till six months (sometimes more) without losing its exceptional organoleptic traits. Thanks to “EPITOM consortium” we characterized the expression of protein-coding genes as well as numerous epigenetic features in distinct post-harvest phases. Integration of these multi-omics data shed lights on the molecular mechanisms underlying post-harvest biology and evidenced that more than 50 percent of differentially expressed genes were associated with an epigenetic-feature. These findings confirmed the importance of the epigenetic regulation of the transcriptome in particular for the post-harvest biology

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=29

IBBR webinars / Harnessing landscape genomics to detect local adaption and manage genetic resources under climate change

(May 04, 2022)

IBBR Webinars (May 04, 2022) Elia Vajana - ENAC, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland. Local adaptation is a key evolutionary process that allows species to adapt to different habitats across their geographic range and ultimately survive environmental heterogeneity. However, evidences are accumulating that local adaptation is threatened in several species as a result of rapid climate change, which is inducing marginal populations to experience a genetic lag towards the newly established conditions. For this reason, an increasing effort is currently profused by the scientific community to characterize the genes underlying local adaptation in order to devise effective management strategies like assisted gene flow or ad hoc translocations. Among the most promising tools available to characterize adaptive variability is landscape genomics, an integrative approach combining GIS and genomic analysis that is able to associate focal selective pressures to specific genomic regions harbouring genes of adaptive relevance. This webinar will aim to frame the theoretical, statistical and bioinformatic background of landscape genomics, to discuss its current limitations, as well as to overview the ways its findings can be exploited to estimate genetic maladaptation and set priorities for the conservation of local genomic resources

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=37

IBBR webinars / Creation of the Mediterranean Plant endophyte and Pathogens culture collection (MEPP)

(Apr 20, 2022)

The seminar deals with the creation of the MEDITERRANEAN PLANT ENDOPHYTE AND PATHOGENS CULTURE COLLECTION (MEPP) at the IBBR UOS of Palermo, which currently includes about 350 strains of culturable microorganisms. The MEPP strains are mainly isolated from Mediterranean agri-food systems as well as from spontaneous perennial and herbaceous plants, including various microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts and fungi) of agri-food importance and/or with pathological behavior. Microorganisms derive from different geographical areas of the Mediterranean, including strains from collections of other research centers or universities as well. The research lines involving the MEPP and the main results obtained are presented

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=34

IBBR webinars / Gaining insight into the molecular and phenotypic effects of transgenerational memory due to chromium stress in plants

(Apr 06, 2022)

In this seminar results obtained in the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana to investigate the transgenerational phenotypic effects of chromium (Cr) stress will be presented. F1 generation from parents grown in both acute and chronic stress showed significant higher levels of the maximal effective concentration (EC50) than F1 from unstressed parents. In addition, both F1 from Cr stressed parents showed higher germination rate under Cr presence and from parents cultivated under chronic stress displayed. Reduction of hydrogen peroxide levels under Cr stress compared to control. At lower Cr stress level, F1 resulted to promptly activate more genes involved in Cr stress responses than F0 implying a memory linked to a transgenerational priming. Several members of bHlH transcription factors were induced by Cr stress in F1 and not in F0, such as bHlH100, ORG2 and ORG3. F1 optimized gene expression towards pathways linked to iron starvation response. A model of transcriptional regulation of transgenerational memory to Cr stress was developed and eventually applied for other heavy metal stresses

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=28

IBBR webinars / Biosensor technology for environmental and biomedical sectors

(Mar 09, 2022)

Biosensors were introduced for the first time by Clark and Lyons in 1962 [1], which developed a biosensor based on the immobilization of glucose oxidase enzyme on an oxygen electrode for the measurement of glucose concentration in biological fluids. Since then, constant research and development efforts have been undertaken in biosensor technology for in field application in areas as agrifood and environmental control, as well as in biomedical diagnosis and biodefence. Among them, algal biosensors also demonstrated their huge potential as sensitive tools for the environmental protection [2-4]. Herein, an overview of algal biosensors as well as systems developed in the last years exploiting different bioreceptors (e.g. enzymes, biomimetics), transductions systems (e.g. fluorescence, electrochemistry), supports (screen-printed electrodes, paper), and nanomaterials (e.g. carbon black, quantum dots) [5] was reported. [1] Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 102(1) (1962) 29-45 [2] Biosensors and Bioelectronics 159 (2020) 112203 [3] Journal of Nanobiotechnology 19 (1) (2021) 1-13 [4] Trends in Biotechnology 38 (3) (2020) 334-347 [5] Nano Today 43 (2022) 101389.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=31

IBBR webinars / Molecular approach to food allergy investigation

(Feb 23, 2022)

Food allergic reactions are IgE-mediated immune responses that can be caused by one or more proteins (allergens) present in foods. Food allergies have a prevalence of 2% in adult people and 8% in pediatric subjects. The symptoms can vary from mild, involving hives and lip swelling, to severe and systemic (anaphylaxes). Food allergies cannot be cured, for this reason early recognition and learning how to manage them, including which foods to avoid, are important measures to prevent serious health consequences. The proteomic approach (1DE, 2DE and LC-MS/MS) coupled with the immunoblotting analysis allow to investigate the recognition of food proteins by the allergic patient’s IgE. In this context, the procedures for the protein extraction are crucial to obtain extracts that are representative of the food matrices protein complexity. Recently, we focused our attention on hazelnut allergy that is one of the most common allergies in children throughout Europe. The development of a protocol for the extraction of the oil body associated proteins has allowed to discoverer the oleosin Cor a 15 as a novel hazelnut allergen. Moreover, considering the key role of food processing in the protein structure modification, the effect of two roasting techniques on protein solubility and allergenicity of both soluble and insoluble hazelnut protein fractions has been elucidated.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=26

IBBR webinars / Biotech solutions in the food and health sectors

(Jan 12, 2022)

BioCoS is a Bioinformatics and Biotech company founded in 2016 in Chania, Crete (Greece). BioCoS is active in two main sectors: food and health. We transform DNA data into applicable biotech solutions meeting the needs of the aforementioned markets. BioCoS begun providing solutions of DNA authentication and traceability in raw materials from field-to-store, with particular focus on the Olive Oil industry. In the health sector, we expanded our services on biomarkers discovery for detection of pathogens (Viruses/Bacteria), including primer design and validation, while we develop - upon request - tailor-made Bioinformatics services for research

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=25

IBBR webinars / The biotechnological application of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

(Dec 01, 2021)

The microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a widely known model system around the world, fully sequenced in its three genomes, easy and inexpensive to grow in the laboratory, and recently recognized by the FDA organism GRAS (generally recognized as safe). The strong potential of this photosynthetic single-cell algae has been extensively studied related to the cell division, photosynthesis, cilia biogenesis, carbon-concentrating mechanism, responses to excess light and the dissipation of light energy, metabolism, biosynthetic pathways, and chloroplast gene expression. Moreover, thanks to the different gene transformation protocols available in the literature, is possible obtain genetic libraries with different kind of mutant strains (e.g. site-specific and random mutated). For all these reasons, the exploitation of C. reinhardtii cells found over the years many applications. In particular, in the nutraceutics field as natural source of secondary metabolites, in the space research to identify tolerant/resistant strains to use as a life support system. Furthermore, C. reinhardtti has been described as interesting biorecognition element in the design of biosensors for the detection of toxic compounds for environmental and humans. Finally, intriguing results derive from polysaccharides extracted from C. reinhardtti cells for medical applications as well as for cultural heritage protection

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=23

IBBR webinars / Food metagenomics as a new frontier for authentication and traceability: application of next generation sequencing on food products

(Nov 24, 2021)

Food frauds, including mislabeling and adulteration, are constantly increasing in almost all food supply chains with many negative economic, social and health implications, raising consumers’ concerns on food integrity. Food authentication and traceability are becoming one of the most important challenges worldwide and they can include topics such as precise identification of raw ingredients, geographical origin and detection of species or breed/variety. Among the analytical methods that can be apply to monitor and to guarantee food authenticity, metagenomics and other omic-based massive molecular tools can help in this context. Indeed, all foodstuffs contain several DNAs which provide a unique molecular fingerprinting that can be mined to obtain information on the biological origin (i.e. organisms, namely species, from which the food or its ingredients derives), geographical origin and contaminating pathogens, detecting not only the nature but also the safety of a food product, even if highly processed or complex. Next generation sequencing (NGS) technology looks to identify a strong and accurate tool for food authenticity: indeed, many NGS platforms with different properties are available and the rapid expansion of DNA sequencing has led to a rapid enlargement in sequence databases, useful for developing methodologies to improve food quality control testing and traceability.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=22

MAD Project / Mechanisms of Apomictic Development

(Nov 17, 2021)

L’apomissia è una via riproduttiva, alternativa a quella sessuale, secondo cui alcune piante sono in grado di generare, per seme, progenie geneticamente identiche alla pianta madre. Qualora introdotta nelle colture ad impollinazione incrociata (es il mais) l’apomissia potrebbe permettere agli agricoltori di riprodurre in proprio il seme ibrido svincolandosi così dalla necessità di ri-acquistare lo stesso seme dalle industrie semetiere. Il progetto MAD (Mechanisms of Apomictic Development) ha come scopo identificare i determinanti genetici dell’apomissia in alcune graminacee apomittiche naturali nella prospettiva di indurre tale via riproduttiva nelle coltivazioni per cui è importate la produzione di seme ibrido (es. mais e pomodoro) e, a lungo termine, nel riso. Il gruppo IBBR di Perugia partecipa a tale progetto con due linee di ricerca complementari tra di loro: 1) sequenziamento massivo del locus che controlla la riproduzione apomittica nelle graminacea Paspalum simplex e 2) analisi funzionale di geni già individuati come possibili determinanti della riproduzione apomittica nella stessa specie.


IBBR webinars / UNIMORE MICROBIAL CULTURE COLLECTION (UMCC) as a platform for selection and preservation of microorganisms useful for food and industrial application

(Nov 10, 2021)

In Italy, the food and beverage industry represents the third most important sector of the national manufacturing sector in terms of added value produced. Even during the emergency due to Covid-19, the Italian food industry has proven to be a sector capable of supporting the Country’s economy, while highlighting the strong need to urgently develop a pluriannual plan of actions able to promote investments for technological innovations. Indeed, there is a growing consumers awareness towards food quality, food safety and health aspects. Moreover, a strong preference for "clean label" foods with high added value and low environmental impact has emerged. In this regard, the study and preservation of microbial biodiversity are fundamental for the research and biotechnological applications of microorganisms in various fields, including food. In fact, some microbial cultures are particularly useful to produce enzymes, antibiotics, prebiotics, probiotics, polymers, antimicrobial agents and much more. Therefore, the qualified microbial collections have a fundamental role in research, selection and preservation of microorganisms of food interest. Among the Italian collections, UMCC located in Reggio Emilia (Italy) and belonging to the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Department of Life Sciences), boasts a long experience in the acquisition, study and ex-situ conservation of “authenticated biological material" and associated genomic data, with the aim of offering services to support research, teaching and technology transfer to industry and private institutions. Specifically, UMCC holds about 3000 microbial cultures including yeasts, lactic acid bacteria and acetic acid bacteria ( used for the implementation of functional starter cultures to be applied in food and industrial fermentation processes. UMCC is an internationally recognized collection, affiliated to the World Federation for Culture Cultures (WFCC) and the European Culture Collection Organization (ECCO). Moreover, UMCC is one of the five founding partners of the Joint Research Unit MIRRI-IT ( ) and is involved in the European project Horizon 2020-IS_MIRRI21 aimed at the development of a pan-European research infrastructure for access to collections of certified microorganisms and their derivatives.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=24

IBBR webinars / Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1): an eclectic immunoregulatory enzyme

(Oct 08, 2021)

IBBR webinars (October 8, 2021) Maria Teresa Pallotta, University of Perugia (Italy) - Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) catalyzes the initial rate-limiting step in the degradation of the essential amino acid tryptophan along the kynurenine pathway. When discovered more than 50 years ago, IDO1 was thought to be an effector molecule capable of mediating a survival strategy based on the deprivation of bacteria and tumor cells of the essential amino acid tryptophan. After 1998, when tryptophan catabolism was discovered to be crucially involved in the maintenance of maternal T cell tolerance, IDO1 has become the focus of several researchers around the world. Indeed, IDO1 is now considered as an authentic immune regulator not only in pregnancy, but also in autoimmune diseases, chronic inflammation, and tumor immunity. However, in the last years, a bulk of new information - including structural, biologic, and functional evidence - on IDO1 has come to light. For instance, we now know that IDO1 has a peculiar conformational plasticity and, in addition to a complex and highly regulated catalytic activity, is capable of performing a non-enzymic function that reprograms the expression profile of immune cells towards a highly immunoregulatory phenotype.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=43

IBBR webinars / CRISPR-Cas - State of the Art

(Sep 22, 2021)

IBBR webinars (September 22, 2021) John van der Oost, Department of Agrotechnology and Food Sciences - Wageningen (Netherlands)

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=20

IBBR webinars / Biopolymers as an alternative to synthetic polymers for sustainable food packaging applications

(Jul 14, 2021)

IBBR webinars (July 14, 2021) Hossein Haghighi, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - The recent sharp increase of sensitivity towards environmental issues arising from plastic packaging has boosted interest in alternative sustainable packaging materials. This new trend promotes the industrial exploitation of knowledge on bioplastics. Bioplastics referred to plastics obtained from renewable resources (biobased), plastics that are biodegradable and/or compostable, or materials that feature both properties. In this context, biopolymers derived from renewable resources have been proposed as the future generation of packaging materials. In addition, biopolymer films are an excellent matrix for incorporating a wide variety of functional additives such as antioxidants and antimicrobials compounds leading to improve in food quality and extend shelf life. Our research group at the Department of Life Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia aims to develop films and coating formulations based on biopolymers enriched with different antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds and characterize their microstructural, mechanical, barrier, optical, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties for their potential applications as food packaging materials

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=14

IBBR webinars / Enzymes discovery and characterization: microbial hydrolases for sustainable bioprocesses and novel applications

(Jun 23, 2021)

IBBR webinars (June 23, 2021) Nicola Curci, CNR-IBBR Naples - The development of sustainable processes and the social necessity to shift towards a circular bioeconomy have increased the demand for biocatalysts in biotechnology to support industrial processes. The discovery of novel enzymes with higher activity and stability than those of catalysts already available paves the way for improving current industrial bioprocesses and developing novel applications. Microbial enzymes represent the bulk of the enzyme market, being more active and stable, producing high yield, and microorganisms represent an easily exploitable source by modern metagenomics technique. Among the more sought-after enzymes for industrial and biotechnological purposes, glycoside hydrolases (GHs) and, in particular, those coming from hyperthermophiles are employed in several industrial sectors and have boosted their impact in this field. In this frame, my work focused on different strategies to identify novel enzymes and evaluate several GH activities for their potential exploitation in biotechnological applications. The exploration of microbial consortia populating the Pisciarelli solfatara through a shotgun metagenomic approach led to identifying the microbial composition of two mud pools in the extreme environment and 586 putative sequences for Carbohydrate Active enZymes (CAZymes). In this work, I focused on the characterization of a novel enzyme of family GH109 with a previously unreported β-N-acetylglucosaminide/β-glucoside specificity. While, in the frame of lignocellulose biomasses degradation, the characterization of the mechanism of action of three thermostable GHs (LacS, XylS, and SsαFuc) from the hyperthermophilic archaeon S. solfataricus on xyloglucan oligosaccharides showed the excellent operational stability at 65°C and pH 5.5 of the three enzymes. SsαFuc was able to remove all fucose residues, while LacS and XylS showed a strong synergy for the hydrolysis of these substrates

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=16

IBBR webinars / O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (AGT): lights on the scene

(Jun 09, 2021)

IBBR webinars (June 09, 2021) Rosanna Mattossovich, CNR-IBBR Napoli - Cellular DNA is subjected to covalent modifications by intracellular chemical compounds and coming from the external environment. Alkylating agents are reactive molecules transferring chemical groups to nucleobases causing alterations in their functions. AGTs are enzymes which mainly remove alkyl adducts from the O6-position of guanines from DNA, by a peculiar irreversible reaction. Although their evolutive function represents the major factor in contrasting the effects of alkylating agents on DNA, on the other side the human representative of this class of enzymes (hMGMT) has a crucial clinical importance, because it contrasts the effect of chemotherapy’s based on alkylating agents, making tumor cells resistant. For these reasons. the development of hMGMT inactivators/inhibitors to be used in combination with this kind of chemotherapy is constantly evolving. As a consequence, rapid and reliable tests are needed for the measure of the methyltransferase activity. To this aim, DNA nanotechnology offers the possibility to create DNA nanodevices to monitor DNA repair activity. In this work, I present a new class of DNA-based substrates that, upon enzymatic DNA repair by AGTs, could undergo a conformational switch, followed by a change in a fluorescent signal. Such folding-uponrepair DNA single strand oligonucleotides, called DNA-nanoswitches, are synthetic DNA sequences containing as O6-methyl-guanine (O6-MeG) nucleobases, as well as a FRET fluorophores optical pair. These molecules are canonical DNA duplex, but they are rationally designed so that only upon enzymatic repair by demethylation of the O6-MeG nucleobases they can form stable intramolecular Hoogsteen interactions and fold into a DNA triplex structure, which is optically different from the initial DNA duplex form. I have characterized the folding mechanism induced by the enzymatic repair activity through fluorescent experiments and then I demonstrated that the folding-upon-repair DNA nanoswitches are universal AGTs’ substrates, successfully applying to several enzymes, including the hMGMT, the bacterial E. coli AdaC, and the archaea Saccharolobus solfataricus AGT. These innovative substrates will allow the high-throughput screening of alkylated DNA containing biological samples, as well as the selection of novel potential hMGMT inhibitors for cancer studies

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=13

IBBR webinars / Nanotechnologies: an eco-impactless approach in the agri-food field monitoring

(May 26, 2021)

IBBR webinars (May 26, 2021) Estefanía Núñez Carmona, UOS Sesto Fiorentino - In the framework of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations to be reached by 2030 and Europeans Call as the Green Deal and Horizon Europe Nanotechnologies will play a key role in the future industrial and agri food sector development with an environment conservative perspective. Nanotechnology is a broad concept that could have several applications in the Agri-food sector. In particular this work represents the merging of tailor made nanostructured MOS gas sensors and a branch of metabolomics known as volatilomics to ensure the quality and safety in the agri food sector and the environmental monitoring. Furthermore, we have developed a new generation of sensors that will contribute to the aforementioned objectives, from a green, innovative and 0 environmental impact perspective. This new generation of sensors is called BC-MOS Bacterial Cellulose biobased metal oxide nanostructured gas sensors. BC-MOS and are based in the collaboration of 2 kind of nanotechnology the one grow by nature, bacterial cellulose and the second created by humans, metal oxide semiconductors. The prototypes showed good response to gas tests at room temperature, demonstrating the possibility to use bacterial cellulose as eco and environmentally friendly composite material for, but not limited to, chemical sensors from a green, innovative and zero impact perspective, which are able to work at room temperature

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=8

IBBR webinars / DNA nanotechnology: four players, one rule, many possibilities

(May 13, 2021)

IBBR webinars (May 12, 2021) Barbara Saccà, University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany) - Structural DNA nanotechnology is probably one of the most successful chemical methods of the past 40 years to achieve control of matter distribution at the nanometer scale. In particular, the DNA origami approach demonstrated to be a robust and versatile method for the construction of DNA objects of almost any desired shape and size, thus offering numerous opportunities in diverse scientific disciplines. We employ DNA origami tools to construct simplified models of complex biological systems, where single structural and functional parameters can be manipulated in a completely predictable fashion. Our scientific ambition is to gain a better understanding of fundamental aspects of biological self-assembly and to use this knowledge for the generation of biomimetic materials with customized properties. After a short introduction on DNA nanotechnology and particularly on the DNA origami method, I will show our recent results on three major aspects of natural self-assembling systems: (i) their capacity to self-assemble into hierarchical high-ordered structures; (ii) their capability to respond to the external environment by changing their shape; and finally (iii) their role as encaging systems, to control the spatio-temporal location and possibly the energetics of chemical reactions.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=17

IBBR webinars / Population genetics meets dendrochronology: joint approaches to explore growth and reproductive dynamics in forest tree species

(Apr 28, 2021)

IBBR webinars (Apr 28, 2021) Camilla Avanzi, IBBR/UOS Sesto Fiorentino - Reproductive dynamics have a major role for the maintenance, demography and adaptation of forest tree populations. Understanding which individuals have a higher reproductive success, and why, is therefore crucial to predict the evolutionary trajectory of tree populations, especially in fragmented landscapes and/or in stressful environmental conditions. The development of parentage analysis methods and polymorphic genetic markers has allowed plant biologists to get reliable estimates of lifetime reproductive success. Nonetheless, the determinants of reproductive success, as well as their interactions, are still largely under-documented. In particular, the relationship between growth and reproduction has been rarely assessed, except for using rough measures of diameter to be regressed against reproductive success. Such relationship is a promising aspect to be investigated more in details, mainly because of the tight trade-offs existing between growth and reproduction, and the major consequences they both have on evolutionary dynamics. In this seminar, I will illustrate how we proposed to distil the myriad of information embedded in tree-ring data into a set of tree-ring based phenotypic traits to be investigated as potential drivers of reproductive success in forest trees. By using a cross-disciplinary approach that combines parentage analysis and a thorough dendrophenotypic characterisation of putative parents, we assessed sex-specific relationships between such dendrophenotypic traits (i.e., age, growth rate and parameters describing sensitivity to climate and to extreme climatic events) and reproductive success in Norway spruce (Picea abies), one of the most relevant European conifer. We reconstructed parent-offspring relationships between 604 seedlings and 518 adult trees sampled within five populations from southern and central Europe. We found that individual female and male reproductive success was positively associated with tree growth rate and age. Female reproductive success was also positively influenced by the correlation between growth and the mean temperature of the previous vegetative season. Overall, our results showed that Norway spruce individuals with the highest fitness are those who are able to keep high-growth rates despite potential growth limitations caused by reproductive costs and climatic limiting conditions. Identifying such functional links between individual ecophysiological behaviours and their evolutionary gain would increase our understanding on how natural selection shapes the genetic composition of forest tree populations over time

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=15

IBBR webinars / O6-alkylguanine-DNA Alkyltransferase (AGT): when Nature meets Biotechnology

(Feb 17, 2021)

IBBR webinars (Feb 17, 2021) Rosa Merlo, IBBR/UOS Napoli - O6 -alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltransferases (AGT or OGT, EC are small enzymes involved in the removal of alkyl groups from the damaged DNA, through an irreversible single-step reaction . This mechanism led to the development of useful biotechnological tools for the specific labelling of proteins , such as the so-called SNAP-tag® technology from New England Biolabs ( SNAP-tag® allows the indirect covalent labelling with a desired chemical group L (previously conjugated to its substrate) of a protein of interest (POI) , without affecting the activity and stability of the latter. Since the SNAP-tag® is based on a peculiar enzyme and on particular substrates, we improved and expanded this technology by operating on both: i) synthesis and purification procedures of each SNAP-substrate are necessary steps, thus increasing time and costs, with a risk to lower the catalytic activity of this protein-tag. To get over this issue, we propose a revision of this technique, by developing a chemo-enzymatic approach with a selected azide-based SNAP-substrate (BGSN); ii) the growing demand to apply this type of protein-tag to extreme conditions and in (hyper)thermophilic organisms, led to look for AGTs from hot sources, because SNAP-tag® is a mesophilic enzyme. Therefore, from the archaeon Saccharolobus solfataricus (SsOGT) and from Pyrococcus furiosus (PfuOGT) we identified, characterized and then engineered new AGTs, leading to the first (hyper)thermo-SNAP-tags known so far, opening new perspectives and further widening the applications of the SNAP-technology

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=11

IBBR webinars / New insights in bone biology from exome sequencing of rare skeletal diseases

(Jan 13, 2021)

IBBR webinars (Jan 13, 2021) Eleonora Palagano, IBBR/UOS Sesto Fiorentino - Whole exome sequencing (WES) is a powerful tool to identify new molecules involved in skeletal homeostasis. In particular we used WES to establish the molecular diagnosis of two particular skeletal diseases: osteopetrosis and the acrofrontofacionasal dysostosis 1 (AFFND1). The osteopetroses are a group of rare bone diseases characterized by increased bone density due to the failure in bone resorption. Due to their genetic heterogeneity, WES represents a valuable strategy to identify the genetic defect and to help in the differential diagnosis. Regarding AFFND1, this is an extremely rare syndrome, comprising facial and skeletal abnormalities, short stature and intellectual disability. WES found a novel truncating mutation in the neuroblastoma-amplified sequence (NBAS) gene in two patients. This mutation impaired NBAS functions in HEK293T cells overexpressing the truncated NBAS protein. Furthermore, we demonstrated that NBAS expression in mouse embryos was compatible with a role in bone and brain development and that the depletion of endogenous z-nbas in fish embryos resulted in defective morphogenesis of chondrogenic cranial skeletal elements. Overall, we provided evidence supporting the hypothesis of a causative role of the mutated NBAS gene in the pathogenesis of AFFND1. In conclusion, we effectively exploited WES in the genetic diagnosis of rare skeletal diseases. We also highlighted potential limitations of this approach, specifically with respect to deep intronic mutations and synonymous changes, and underlined the importance to complement WES with analysis at the transcript level and functional validation.

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=3

Focus / NutrAge: Anche il cibo si evolve (R. Defez)

(Nov 22, 2020)

Se è vero che oggi siamo in grado di produrre cibo in quantità e di qualità impensabili anche solo poche generazioni fa, ora bisogna seriamente pensare a come poter sfamare nel futuro una popolazione mondiale che, a detta degli esperti, nel 2050 dovrebbe essere pari a dieci miliardi. Un’analisi che deve passare necessariamente per l’agricoltura integrata, ossia un sistema agricolo di produzione contraddistinto da un basso impatto ambientale, ottenuto da una parte tramite l’utilizzo coordinato e razionale di tutti i fattori della produzione e dall’altra dal minimo ricorso a mezzi che hanno un impatto sia sull’ambiente che sulla salute dei consumatori. Affronteremo questo tema con Roberto Defez, direttore del laboratorio di biotecnologie microbiche all’Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse del CNR di Napoli. Dal 1985 si occupa delle associazioni tra batteri del suolo e piante leguminose o cereali.


IBBR webinars / Olive in changing climate

(Nov 11, 2020)

IBBR webinars (Nov 11, 2020) Soraya Mousavi, IBBR/UOS Perugia - Cultivated olive (Olea europaea L. subsp. europaea var. europaea), covering more than eight million hectares, is one of the main perennial oil crops worldwide. Traditionally cultivated in the Mediterranean area, olive is now experiencing a great expansion to new and different areas of south Asia, Oceania, South Africa and the Americas. In the Mediterranean, considered particularly sensitive to global climate change, olive cultivation is going to face the challenges posed by the new climate scenarios. In this context, knowledge about the plant reaction to different environmental constraints represents a relevant support for defining new cultivation strategies. In this context, the olive research group of IBBR Perugia has undertaken an extensive research aimed at evaluating the genetic potential of this species in terms of tolerance to drought and salt stresses, modification of fruit metabolic composition, with particular reference to lipid and phenolic compounds and plant response to increasing winter temperatures in terms of flowering and geographical distribution of inter-incompatible varieties. On this regard, we report here the main results obtained in identifying QTLs involved in environmental stress tolerance, developing molecular tools for markers assisted selection, discovering candidate genes and epialleles involved in abiotic stress tolerance and fatty acid synthesis under different environmental conditions, selecting most promising stress tolerant cultivars and microbial consortia to provide new tools supporting sustainable cultivation of olive trees

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=5

FB Watch / Luppolo Made in Italy: la Filiera del Luppolo italiano

(Oct 25, 2020)

Il 29 ottobre 2020 nel Convegno “Luppolo Made in Italy: la Filiera del Luppolo italiano” partiremo da questo racconto della strada fatta e degli obbiettivi raggiunti, per poi parlare del futuro, della nostra visione di una Filiera moderna e competitiva, pienamente sostenibile dal punto di vista economico, sociale e ambientale.


IBBR webinars / The chemical ecology of Bagrada hilaris (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)

(Oct 21, 2020)

IBBR webinars (Oct 21, 2020) Salvatore Guarino, IBBR/UOS Palermo - Semiochemicals are involved in mediating a wide range of insects behaviors, from intraspecific communication (pheromones) to the location of food and oviposition source (allelochemicals). Here we explore the chemical ecology of the stink bug Bagrada hilaris (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), a pest of brassicaceae native from Africa and Asia and invasive in USA. At intraspecific level, observation evidenced that male volatiles, mainly constituted by (E)-2-octenyl acetate, attract females conspecific. At interspecific level it was observed that B. hilaris exploit specific key plant volatiles to locate preferred host plant. One of these volatiles was identified as a diterpene hydrocarbon of new observation and named brassicadiene

Source: /ibbr/resources/webinars/?id=1

Senato TV: Consegna del premio "Guido Dorso" per la ricerca a R. Defez

(Oct 12, 2020)

Lunedi 12 ottobre sono stati consegnati, presso la Sala Zuccari di Palazzo Giustiniani, i premi "Guido Dorso", promossi dall’omonima associazione presieduta da Nicola Squitieri. L’iniziativa - patrocinata dal Senato della Repubblica, dal Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche e dall’Università degli studi di Napoli "Federico II" - segnala dal 1970 contestualmente giovani studiosi del nostro Mezzogiorno e personalità del mondo istituzionale, economico, scientifico e culturale che "hanno contribuito con la loro attività a sostenere le esigenze di sviluppo e di progresso del Sud".


Radio Radicale / Biotecnologie verdi, precauzione, benefici e legislazione

(Oct 05, 2020)

XVII Congresso dell’Associazione Luca Coscioni: Panel congressuale “Biotecnologie verdi, precauzione, benefici e legislazione”. Presenta: Marco Perduca (Coordinatore delle Attività internazionali dell’Associazione Luca Coscioni). Introduce e modera: Roberto Defez (Biotecnologo del CNR, Membro dell’Accademia Nazionale dell’Agricoltura). Interventi di: Vittoria Brambilla (Ricercatrice presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano “La Statale”), Elena Fattori (Senatrice, Commissione Agricoltura e produzione agroalimentare), Eddo Rugini (Vice-Presidente accademia nazionale dell’olivo e dell’olio), Deborah Piovan (Agricoltore e portavoce di Cibo per la Mente), Matteo Lasagna (Vicepresidente della Giunta Esecutiva Confederale di Confagricoltura),Dino Scanavino (Presidente Cia-Agricoltori).


YouTube / Un peptide per amico

(Feb 10, 2019)

I Peptidi sono molecole intelligenti, veri e propri antibiotici naturali. Conoscete i peptidi? Eppure sono molecole importantissime per la nostra salute, capaci di combattere in modo naturale le infiammazioni batteriche, riducendo il bisogno di antibiotici. Sul tema sono in corso studi ed esperimenti scientifici, ne abbiamo parlato con la Dottoressa Gianna Palmieri, dell’Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse - CNR Napoli. Video di Claudio Metallo.


TG3 Umbria / Risorse Genetiche dell’Olivo

(Jul 04, 2018)

E’ partita la campagna sociale della Tgr dedicata a terre e sapori, in collaborazione con il Touring Club. Ci sono migliaia di varietà di Olivo, alcune raccolte dagli istituti del CNR di Perugia e conservate in vaso per tanti anni, ora piantate in un campo. Intervista a Luciana Baldoni Ricercatrice CNR e a Luciano Concezzi del Parco Tecnologico Agroalimentare Umbria.


STUDIO APERTO / Spedizione CNR in Antartide

(Jan 10, 2018)

Servizio giornalistico andato in onda su TGCOM24 (17/12/2017), TG5 (19/12/2017) e STUDIO APERTO (08/01/2018) relativo alle attività condotte presso la base italiana in Antartide. Partecipa alla missione Daniela Coppola, biotecnologa in servizio presso l’IBBR/CNR di Napoli.


RAI News / Basta la salute. Bufale e pregiudizi

(Jan 04, 2018)

Intervista sulla controversa questione del glifosato a Roberto Defez, ricercatore in servizio presso l’IBBR/CNR di Napoli, andata in onda nell’ambito del servizio "Basta la Salute: Bufale e pregiudizi" del giornalista Gerardo D’Amico di Rai News 24.


YouTube / La settimana della Biodiversità Pugliese

(May 19, 2017)

Settimana dedicata alla biodiversità in Puglia, dal 18 al 26 maggio 2017, tra mostre, convegni, presentazioni di libri, visite guidate ai campi e alle aziende, laboratori didattici e tanto altro per celebrare la "Giornata nazionale della Biodiversità"


YouTube / Una luce in fondo al pozzo

(Mar 04, 2017)

I bambini della classe IVa della scuola primaria "All’avventura con Tizi" di Nola (NA) raccontano l’incredibile storia di Vincenzo Tiberio, lo scienziato che scoprì la penicillina 30 anni prima di Fleming.


TEDxCNR / Gli scienziati italiani non vengono ascoltati perché non hanno voce

(Nov 18, 2016)

Perché la scienza è così distante dalla società? E perché ci sono in Italia così tante bufale scientifiche? Gli scienziati italiani non vengono ascoltati perché non hanno voce. Un intervento di Roberto Defez (IBBR/CNR - Napoli) all’Auditorium Parco della Musica di Roma dell’8 Ottobre 2016, nell’ambito dell’iniziativa TEDxCNR.

Source: / XI Convegno Nazionale sulla Biodiversità

(Jul 20, 2016)

POLICOROTV.IT WEBTV - "Biodiversità e Intensificazione Ecosostenibile", a Matera l’XI° Convegno Nazionale sulla Biodiversità con più di 300 ricercatori da tutta Italia.


YouTube / Convegno SaveGrainPuglia

(Dec 09, 2015)

Giovanni Giuseppe Vendramin, direttore dell’Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse (IBBR) del CNR, intervistato a margine del convegno "SaveGrainPuglia", tenutosi il 28/29 settembre 2015.


YouTube / Convegno SaveGrainPuglia

(Dec 09, 2015)

Gaetano Laghetti, responsabile del progetto e ricercatore dell’Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse (IBBR) del CNR di Bari, intervistato a margine del convegno "SaveGrainPuglia", tenutosi il 28/29 settembre 2015.


CNR WebTV / Piante e popoli, compagni di viaggio da millenni

(Oct 27, 2015)

I popoli che si spostano portano con sé la loro cultura ma anche le loro piante, generando così nuovi cibi e modificando gli equilibri bio-culturali. Ad affrontare il complesso e affascinante argomento, il convegno "Migrazione di uomini e piante", coordinato da Giovanni Giuseppe Vendramin, direttore dell’Istituto di bioscienze e biorisorse (Ibbr) del Cnr, in collaborazione con Sveva Avveduto dell’Istituto di ricerche sulla popolazione e le politiche sociali (Irpps).


YouTube / Convegno SaveGrainPuglia

(Oct 27, 2015)

Francesco Bellino, responsabile misura 214 PSR 2007-2014 della Regione Puglia, intervistato a margine del convegno "SaveGrainPuglia", tenutosi il 28/29 settembre 2015.


YouTube / Convegno SaveGrainPuglia

(Oct 27, 2015)

Angela Rosa Piergiovanni, referente sezione leguminose del progetto e ricercatore presso l’Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse (IBBR) del CNR di Bari, intervistata a margine del convegno "SaveGrainPuglia", tenutosi il 28/29 settembre 2015.


YouTube / Convegno SaveGrainPuglia

(Oct 27, 2015)

Benedetta Margiotta, referente sezione cereali del progetto e ricercatore presso l’Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse (IBBR) del CNR di Bari, intervistata a margine del convegno "SaveGrainPuglia", tenutosi il 28/29 settembre 2015.


CNR Web TV / 30 anni di cooperazione del CNR in Africa

(Oct 27, 2015)

Il Cnr è presente in Senegal da circa 30 anni e supporta lo sviluppo di un comparto fondamentale per l’economia di questo paese, come l’agricoltura. Una presenza che si è sostanziata in diversi progetti attivati da vari istituti, tra cui l’IBIMET, al quale afferisce il Dott. Andrea Di Vecchia, responsabile del progetto PAPSEN, e l’IBBR, al quale afferisce il Dott. Marco Manzelli.


PolicoroTV / Val Bio Luc Tutela della Biodiversità in Basilicata

(Oct 27, 2015)

Tutela della Biodiversità di leguminose tradizionali degli ambienti lucani e valorizzazione mediante innovazioni agronomiche, nutraceutiche e di mercato. I risultati del progetto.


RAI 2 / NAUTILUS - Gli studi sulle conifere

(Feb 25, 2015)

Gli studi sulle conifere, con Giovanni G. Vendramin (Direttore IBBR-CNR), Andrea Piotti, Ilaria Spanu (in onda su RAI 2 / NAUTILUS 22 Feb 2015 Ore: 16:40)


Laboratorio ARCA-CNR del Centro Ricerca ed Impresa

(Jul 31, 2014)

Presentazione del Laboratorio ARCA, del Centro Ricerca ed Impresa del CNR, Area della Ricerca di Firenze. Laboratorio di ricerca multidisciplinare degli istituti IPP, IGV (ora IBBR) ed IVALSA. (Rif.: Dr. Marco Michelozzi)


CNR Web TV - MeioSys, per migliorare le specie vegetali

(May 22, 2014)

Si è tenuto a Napoli, presso la Stazione zoologica Anton Dohrn, il convegno di chiusura del progetto europeo MeyoSis. Scopo del progetto quello di offrire strategie di sviluppo per regolare il processo di ricombinazione in specie vegetali sia modello che per l’agricoltura. Intervista a Giovanni Vendramin Direttore dell’Istituto Bioscienze e Biorisorse e a Clara Conicella, ricercatrice nella sede di Portici.


CNR Web TV - Foreste OGM

(Mar 02, 2014)

Alberi geneticamente modificati, ma solo a scopo commerciale. Di questo si è parlato a Roma nella sala “Guglielmo Marconi” del CNR nel corso della conferenza finale del progetto COST alla presenza di studiosi, osservatori ed esperti del settore in arrivo da ogni parte del Mondo. L’importante appuntamento è stato aperto da Cristina Vettori dell’Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse. Prima la sperimentazione in serre-laboratorio poi il trasferimento all’aperto delle piantagioni particolarmente numerose nel nord Europa, in Canada, negli Stati Uniti e in Brasile. Le foreste transgeniche per la produzione di legname industrialmente utile non sarebbero pericolose per la salute dei consumatori.


COST Action FP0905 at ESOF 2012

(Jul 19, 2012)

On 12 July 2012, COST Action FP0905 “Biosafety of Forest Transgenic Trees” organised a session entitled “Planting the Seeds of Genetically Modified Trees” within ESOF 2012. COST was a proud supporter of ESOF 2012, Europe’s largest general science meeting. Taking place in Dublin, Ireland, from 11 to 15 July, it aimed to showcase the latest advances in science and technology, and promote a dialogue on the role of science and technology in society and public policy.



(Jul 11, 2011)


TGDIECI / Effetto degli OGM sulle coltivazioni autoctone (Progetto LIFE+ DEMETRA)

(May 12, 2010)

Servizio giornalistico di presentazione del progetto LIFE+DEMETRA, andato in onda su TGDIECI in data 12/05/2010


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