IBBR Webinars
Multi-omics approach to uncover long shelf-life in a tomato landrace
Pasquale Termolino
IBBR - UOS Portici (NA) - Italy
May 18, 2022 (11:30-12:30)
Webinar Link: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/582948173
Abstract: Piennolo del Vesuvio” is a tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) landrace typical of the Vesuvio area, characterized by a long shelf-life and an high economic impact due to its valuable organoleptic traits. This landrace can be consumed till six months (sometimes more) without losing its exceptional organoleptic traits. Thanks to “EPITOM consortium” we characterized the expression of protein-coding genes as well as numerous epigenetic features in distinct post-harvest phases. Integration of these multi-omics data shed lights on the molecular mechanisms underlying post-harvest biology and evidenced that more than 50 percent of differentially expressed genes were associated with an epigenetic-feature. These findings confirmed the importance of the epigenetic regulation of the transcriptome in particular for the post-harvest biology
Author's Info: https://ibbr.cnr.it/ibbr/info/people/pasquale-termolino
Link to video: https://youtu.be/ypVnBi_bqGc