National Research Council of Italy

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IBBR Webinars


Meta-analysis on DREB2 expression in crops during drought stress to evaluate the effects of PGPR-plant interaction

Chiara Campagni 
DAGRI - Dipartimento di scienze e tecnologie agrarie, alimentari, ambientali e forestali -

February 15, 2023 (11:30-12:30)
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Abstract: Plants are sessile organisms that during their life must be able to deal with a series of abiotic and biotic stresses. In Mediterranean region, due to climate changes, the abiotic stresses suffered by cultures are increasing. Drought stress is one of the most worrying, as it relates to the scarcity of water in general. Nowadays, all the terrestrial water storage (TWS) is involved with drought problem. Plants can respond to drought through an overly complex phenomenon that involves avoidance, escape and/or tolerance mechanisms. This study focuses on DREB2 (Dehydration Responsive Element Binding2) expression during drought stress with and without plant grow promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). DREB2 is a transcriptional factor involved in abscisic acid independent pathways of stress response to drought. The aim is to evaluate how the presence of PGPR favours the increase of DREB2 expression levels in crops, and, how these microorganisms are useful in improving the response and resistance of plants to drought stress. The work has been done through a meta-analysis carried out with a random-effect model. This method was chosen as a resolution of conflicting evidence regarding the outcomes of various research upon this matter. Furthermore, it aims to investigate the heterogeneity and publication bias of all the studies already carried out through forest and funnel plots obtained with JASP analyses. The cumulative effect size of the studies regarding the fold change of DREB2 in crops stressed by drought with PGPR, and its various subgroups, is always higher than the cumulative effect size of the studies concerning the fold change of DREB2 in crops stressed by drought without PGPR and its subgroups. Furthermore, this study shows how PGPR seem effective in activating the plant’s defence thanks to the priming effect

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Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse (IBBR/CNR)
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