IBBR Webinars
Arabidopsis Pre-mRNA processing factor 6 homolog STA1 functions in thermal stress tolerance
Byeong-Ha Lee
Dept Life Science Sogang University - Korea
October 23, 2023 (12:00-13:00)
Webinar Link: https://meet.goto.com/485765173
Abstract: The Arabidopsis STABILIZED1 (STA1) gene encodes a putative pre-mRNA processing factor. It is homologous to the human U5 snRNP-associated 102-kDa protein (PRPF6) and the yeast pre-mRNA splicing factors PRP1p (fission yeast) and Prp6p (budding yeast). Originally, the Arabidopsis mutant defective in the STA1 gene was isolated during a genetic screen for stress-responsive gene deregulation mutants. The sta1-1 mutant showed pleiotropic developmental defects and temperature sensitivity. Consistently, STA1 was expressed in all tissues and is induced by temperature stress. The sta1-1 mutant also showed a reduced accumulation of miRNAs and defects in pre-mRNA splicing and transcript stability. Two other alleles, sta1-2 and sta1-3, also exhibited phenotypes similar to sta1-1, confirming that the defects associated with sta1-1 were not allele-specific and that STA1 functions in pre-mRNA splicing, miRNA accumulation, plant growth, and thermal stress tolerance. We overexpressed STA1 in Arabidopsis thaliana and its close relatives Brassica napus and Brassica rapa, resulting in increased heat tolerance. In addition, we performed a genetic modifier screen of sta1-1. Our efforts to understand the function of STA1 will be presented and discussed
Author's Info: http://pgrlab.sogang.ac.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=eprofessor&wr_id=1