National Research Council of Italy

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IBBR Webinars


Uncovering plants resilience. On the hunt for resistance and susceptibility genes in grapevine

Valentina Ricciardi 
Istituto di Bioscienze e BioRisorse - Italy

February 12, 2025 (11:30-12:30)
Webinar Link:{"Tid":"34c64e9f-d27f-4edd-a1f0-1397f0c84f94","Oid":"fbe632a5-2a40-4e3b-8d9f-5482db776d29"}

Abstract: Downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) is one of the worst diseases affecting grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) production. Part of the solution to the problem could be the development of resistant varieties. Usually, resistance sources to the disease are found in American and Asian Vitis species that coevolved with the pathogen. Recently, however, some V. vinifera varieties showing resistance to the pathogen have also been identified. One of these varieties, Mgaloblishvili, was the focus of different studies to identify new genetic resources for breeding programs. Using a comparative approach employing both genomics and transcriptomics techniques, the variety resistance mechanism was reconstructed, and some candidate genes of resistance (R - genes) and susceptibility (S - genes) were identified. A candidate S - gene was validated through a transient RNAi approach based on exogenous dsRNA application, a technique currently being employed to validate further candidates. Moreover, a genome editing protocol to develop resistant genotypes based on S-genes knock-out was set up. All together, the achieved results and future developments will contribute to the increase of knowledge on plant-pathogen interaction and, hopefully, to viticulture sustainable disease management

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Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse (IBBR/CNR)
Via G. Amendola 165/A, I-70126 Bari (Italy)
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